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So this person asked to remain anonymous so I'm just going to say you know who you are and I really had fun writing this. I hope it is what you wanted :)

(Liam's POV)

So today me and the boys are at the 2014 AMA's as we got time off from both our works. As most people know we are singers, but we also have sideline medical jobs. I am a dentist, Niall is a therapist, Harry is an ER doctor, Louis is a nephrolologist, and Zayn is a surgeon. The thing is, I thought all the boys would be good as doctors but for me I just have always preferred the though to being a dentist.  

(Ariana Grande's POV)

So I am currently at the AMA's and we are having fun at the after party. I see that they have ribs and my favorite meat in the whole world is ribs! I take a couple ribs on my plate and go sit at the table that One Direction is sitting at. We engage into a conversation until we start to eat our food. I chuckle as Louis has about 20 carrots on his plate. I bite into the rib and bite right down on the bone. I heard some sort of crack in my mouth and I know it wasn't good. Liam must have heard me whimper because he asks me what was wrong. This got the attention of all the other boys. My only problem is I can't talk because of all the pain in my mouth so I am left to just shake my head. 

"Let's go out of the room for a second Ari. Then we can see what's wrong. How does that sound love?" Liam asks me.

All I do is nod my head because like I said, I can't speak.  

Me and Liam walk into the other room right next to where we were and he starts asking me questions that I have no idea how to answer. He realizes that I can't talk so he ust asks yes or no questions.

(L is Liam, A is Ariana)

 L: Did you do something when you bit down on the rib?

A: *nods*

L: Did anything feel wrong before tonight?

A: *shakes head*

L: When you bit into the rib did you hear anything odd?

A: *nods*

L: Did you hear something like a crack?

A: *nods*


(Liam's POV)
I think I know what's wrong with Ariana. I don't want to scare her and tell her hear so I think I am going to leave and take her to the bus where we have a dentist room so I can look at her properly. 

"Ok Ari. I think I know what's wrong with your mouth. I think you might have broken your tooth when you bit into the rib. I am going to go ahead and take you back to our bus so I can look at it properly and do anything I might need to do" 

Ariana just nods her head slowly.

(3rd Person POV)

Liam puts an arm around Ariana and walks back over to the boys. 

" Hey boys, me and Ariana are going to go over to our bus for a bit. I'll explain everything later but I really need to take care of her tooth right now." Liam says.

" Ok Li. Good luck Ari." Zayn replies understandingly.

Liam and Ariana go outside only to be stopped by Paul wondering what they are doing. Liam explains everything to Paul and just keep going only with Paul to be going with them now. Once they make it to the bus Liam takes Ariana back to the dentist room on the bus.  A few hours later and an in-pain Ariana Grande and they are ready to head back into the show just to find out One Direction won Best Album of the Year award and Ariana won Best Single of the Year. 

That night the boys and Ariana all spent together celebrating their wins at a frozen yogurt place. One of the only things Ariana felt like she could eat at the moment.


Author's note: 

I'm sorry if this isn't quite how you wanted it. I have about 7 other requests to do and I need to get them done tonight. I am not good at dental procedures because I have never had any and that is why I skipped it completely. I would rather have it not be there than it be really poor work. Thanks for requesting! 

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