Request for hallohellohola

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Hi! My name is Sophia and I am 28. I used to have a boyfriend named Harry who is now 29. We were a couple a few years ago but he moved unexpectedly to Los Angeles to study and we haven't ever been in contact since. One of us could be dead and the other would have no idea. And by the way, I still live in California where we used to live before he left. So anyways, as I'm telling this to you I am currently walking my way to the emergency dentists office. You see I was walking around my house trying to pick up and all of a sudden I fell and hit my jaw really hard on a corner of the coffee table in my sitting room. The pain was too much for me to handle so I decided to go to the Emergency dentist which right there tells you that it hurts really bad because I really don't like the dentist.

------------------At the dentist---------------

So I am currently sitting in the waiting area waiting for the to call my name back. "Sophia"

Ugh, there it is. Well wish me good luck.

So I go ahead and go into the room they lead me into. They tell me to sit in the chair and they will ask me a few questions before the actual dentist comes in.

( Person-P, Me-M)

P: So first I need your full name

M: Sophia May Huff

P: Ok, age

M: 28

P: And what are you in here for?

M: I hit my jaw on the corner of the table in my sitting room and it really hurts bad.

P: Ok, I will send someone in.

-------Normal mode now--------

Ugh! I've been waiting for like 10 minutes and still no one. Oh wait, someone is coming.

(Harry-H, Me-M)

H: Hello. My name is Harry.Wait Soph?

(Soph is a nickname he used for her and she called him Haz)

M: Haz?

H: Yeah Soph. It's me. And I'm so sorry for leaving you for my studies.

M: It's ok. But Haz, my mouth please? (Get out you dirty minded freaks!)

H: Ok. Are you comfortable with me doing it or would you like someone you don't have a past with doing the exam?

M: You. At least it's someone I know

H: Ok, lets see what's causing you the pain

---------After the exam--------

H: Ok Soph, by the looks of it, here's what happened. When you hit your jaw,,it made your back left tooth actually split in half. Not all the way so that would explain why it's not bleeding but it's also not fixable. I'm gonna have to pull it out.

M: Ok. I guess, go ahead and do it

H: Ok. I'm going to go ahead and put the needle into your gums to numb the pain.

M: NO!!!!! Haz, you know I'm terrified of needles!

H: Here love.

Harry places a gas mask over my nose and waits for the medicine to kick in.Then he injects the medicine.

-------After the procedure-------

H: It's all done now Soph. You can wait here for about 10 minutes until you're a little more in control and if you want I can drive you home as my shift is now over.

M: Ok. Thanks Haz, Do you need the address?

H: Nope. I still remember your address

---------After the drive home-------

M: Thanks Harry.

H: I wanted to ask you something Sophia

M: Sure. What is it?

H: Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?

M: YES!!!!!

--------1 Year later------------------

(normal mode)

So Harry proposed to me 4 months ago and now we are married! That's not it either, in 2 months, we will have a baby girl. We already know we will name her Maddy Faith Styles!!!!!

-----Author's note------

So I know this isn't exactly what you requested but I hope you still like it. I was trying to write quickly so I could post it before I go to bed. Yes I know this isn't my best of works but I tried.

Don't forget to check out my friend's page where we are writing a story together.

See ya'll later bye!

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