Request for "princessnicolehoran"

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Hey! It's Niall Horan here. Today is the day when I have to go into the doctor for my check-up. My check-up is at 11.45 and it is currently 10.30 so I don't have that much time. 

"Where are you off to Ni?" Lima asked me when I was walking out the door.

"I have a doctors appointment today. See you later."

"Ok. Bye Niall!"

-----20 minutes later-----

"Niall Horan" 

There it is. My HOT doctor finally is ready for me and that means I can finally try to win her over with my charm again. This is only my 3rd visit with her but Dr. Nicole is absolutely gorgeous. With her gorgeous brown locks and her puppy dog brown eyes. Normally I like some color other than brown eyes but it just works on her. She just looks like a big puppy dog and I really want to make her mine!

------Dr. Nicole POV-------

I get to see Niall again today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is my all time favorite patient to do a check-up on and he is just completely gorgeous! With his dyed blonde hair with brown roots just peeking up ever so slightly and his amazing sea blue eyes. Normally I don't like blonde hair on someone but it just works for him. he just looks stunning!!! 

------Niall POV-----

I am now done with the check-up and I would say it went pretty well. She did say to be slightly more careful with my knee but I can do that. It just means only 20 jumps per concert instead of my normal 30-ish jumps...  She got even more gorgeous! I couldn't believe that someone like ehr got even more gorgeous but she did! 

------Dr.Nicole POV------

AHHH! Niall got even more cute! He still hasn't redid his hair so you can see a bit more of his brown roots and I wish he could keep his hair like that forever! It just looks so good on him! And today he had on some fake glasses and I almost fainted when I saw him-- like-WOW! I didn't think he could get anymore handsome but he did...

----1 year later----

Niall POV:

Guess where I am! That's right! I'm back at the doctors to see Dr.Nicole! Last time I was here she hinted to the fat that she liked me better with a bit of my brown roots poking up and so that's exactly how I have been dying it.

"Niall Horan"

There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

----After the Appointment---

Dr. Nicole:

I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 He got even more hotter! I wasn't so sure if I actually liked him before today or if it was just the thought of him but now I think-- no- I know I like him for Niall and not fot the thought of Niall. I think at the next appointment I might make it more obvious that I like him to see if he likes me more...

----1 more year later---

(I am going into conversation mode.)

Nicole: So Niall, how have you been?

Niall: Oh you know, I've been fine. A bit of knee pain here and there but I am fine most of the time. 

Nicole: Well if you would like I can send you in for a scan of the muscles to see if there is any tightening or something that causes unwanted pain occasionally. but I actually wanted to talk to you about something.

Niall: Ok? What did I do?

Nicole: You did nothing. I just wanted to talk to you  as human to human, not doctor to patient. I ave another 45 minutes before my next patient shows up o I have time. 

Niall: OK. Whats Up then? Got a special man yet?

Nicole: Nope. Still single. How about you? Have you found a girl yet?

Niall: Nope. I have had someone in mind for a while now but I know it will never happen.

Nicole: Oh yeah? And whose the special lady.

Niall: I'm looking at her.

Nicole:   ...

Niall: Will you go out with me?

Nicole: Yes Niall Horan. I will go out with you. I thought you would never ask.


"Nate and Nick! Go lay down and take your nap or no treats for you tonight after dinner!" Niall told his youngest set of twins while holding Nicole. Apparently Nicole never told Niall that twins were normal in her family because they have 2 sets of twins and a set of triplets. 

(Conversation mode)

Niall: Hey Nicole?

Nicole: Yes?

Niall: What did you mean when I first asked you out and you said 

that you thought I would never ask?

Nicole: For every time you would come into have a check-up I fell for you even more.

Niall: I love you.

Nicole: I love you too.

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