39. Happy

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I don't really care about relationships before because what I cared all about.. is my mom. I only cared her and until now, I care for her. She's the only family that I got.

My dad died when I was 10 years old because he died in military service. He died in a war and it was so difficult for us to move on especially to my Mom. It was difficult for us to live without dad. Life became so difficult and mom frequently got sick before. So, I didn't care in entering some love relationship because I only care about my Mom. When Mom died, it was so painful. It was so difficult. It was really difficult to live with no family. 

I thought that I couldn't carry on by myself but there's Aunt Anne, Fei, Ji Eun, EXO and especially Kris. They are always there for me. They didn't want me to feel alone. They always think of me like their family and I'm lucky with Kris and Aunt Anne because eventhough, I'm not wealthy, they still accepted me as who I am and I'm very thankful about it.

That's why I'm lucky because Kris loves me the way I love him too. I didn't know how did I love him but I know what I felt about him was love. Eventhough, he had some flaws. I still love him. 

When I got out from Kris' room, I quickly went to the living room. I stopped from walking and so surprised when I saw that Kris is chasing  circles with Sehun. The others looks like they didn't care and went back in playing Xbox, some are laughing while some are eating and chatting. 

"Yah! Kris! I'm sorry. Haha! I thought you two were asleep because you were so quiet in your room. hahah!" Sehun laughed.

"Shut up! You shouldn't barge in my room like you own it!" Kris hissed and still, chasing Sehun in circles.

"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you two were kissing." Sehun laughed so hard and he sticked out his tongue. My cheeks suddenly heatened up of what Sehun just said.

"Yah! Shut up!" Kris hissed and when he finally caught Sehun's arm. Sehun saw me and he quickly went to my direction. "Suzy!" He called out my name scared and he suddenly grabbed my arms and hide on my back like he was using me as a shield to Kris. I saw Kris' eyebrows furrowed of what Sehun did. "Yah! Don't touch her!" Kris hissed when he finally went to my direction. 

"Suzy. Please help me. Kris is so scary~" Sehun whispered behind me and was still, holding my arms tight like he was so afraid of Kris. "Yah! Sehun! Get away from her!" Kris said in a pissed off tone.

"No!" Sehun said and I saw Kris' glaring eyes while looking at Sehun behind me. "Suzy. Tell Kris to go away." Sehun pleaded and I chuckled. "Kris. Stop chasing him.." I said smiling.

"Suzy. He's so irritating! He teased about us!" Kris gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"I already said I'm sorry." Sehun said in an apologetic tone. "Yah! Come back here, Sehun!" Kris hissed.

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