18. Announcement

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Suzy's POV

Then, suddenly someone busted inside the Clinic and I was surprised that he came..

He came to save me.. My lips curve into a smile when I saw that Chanyeol is here.. I didn't expect him to come.. My tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Chanyeol.. Help me.." I mumbled looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his fist in anger.

"Let go of her, you bastards!" Chanyeol yelled as he runned towards our direction. He instantly grabbed the arm of the guy who held my right wrist and making him to fall on his knees and he alsso did it to the other guy who held my left wrist. This is the first time that I've seen Chanyeol being so angry.

"Wait. Don't punch me.. I'm sorry.." the last guy said nervously 

"It's too late." Chanyeol punched the guy's face making him to fall down to his knees.

"No. We're still not yet done.." He pulled the hem of the guy's shirt and he constantly punched his face.

"Wait.. Stop.. I'm sorry.. We were just playing around." the guy said worriedly.

"Shut up." Chanyeol said as he was about to punch the face of the guy, I yelled.. "Chanyeol, Stop! Just let them go." 

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry." the guy begged for forgiveness 

"Don't ever show your face again.." Chanyeol said

"I'm so sorry.. We really regret it.." the 3 guys begged for forgiveness 

Then, Chanyeol stopped for a moment as he pushed him to the floor.

"Run now." Chanyeol said as he closed his eyes in anger while clenching his fist. Then, the 3 guys immediately ran away.

I slowly sat down on the bed and I can't believe that my hands and my feet are now trembling and shaking because of fear. My tears fell naturally and continously down to my cheeks. 

I was surprised when suddenly, Chanyeol pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay.. I'm here.. You don't need to be afraid.." He mumbled. My tears fell down as I started to cry out loud on his chest.

"I-I'm so afraid.." I said while sobbing and gripping Chanyeol's shirt.

"Don't be afraid.. I'm here.." He mumbled as he slowly patted my back making me feel comfortable. After a few minutes left, I broke the hug and Chanyeol looks at me so worriedly.

Why do I feel that I was expecting Kris to come? Why do I feel so disappointed? Why did Kris popped into my head? I really can't understand this.

"Chanyeol.. I'm so sorry that your shirt is wet.." I said while looking at his wet shirt around his chest

"It's fine.. Don't worry about it.. It will just dry off." He said then, he smiled at me.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked worriedly

"Yeah.. It's nothing.." He said as he smiled again.

"Thank you for saving me.." I said

"You're always welcome.. I just want you to be safe." He said

"Thanks.." I answered as I smiled at him. Then, he took his handkerchief and wiped my tears from my eyes.

"Dry now your tears.. Just smile and we should just eat.. I know you're hungry.." Chanyeol said as he smiled at me sweetly. I just nodded and smiled in agreement.

"But first.."

"What?" I asked

"Close your buttons on your blouse.." Chanyeol said as he looked away and blushed. My eyes widened and I blushed really hard. 

"I'm sorry.." I said while I immediately closed my buttons

"Are you done?"


"Then, let's go to the cafeteria.." Chanyeol smiled to me and I just nodded.

After a couple steps of walking.. We're now here in the cafeteria.

"Just line up and order something.. I'll be right back.. I'm gonna go and buy a soda for the two of us." Chanyeol said and I nodded in agreement.

After I got my order, I slowly walk towards the vacant table and trying to balance holding the food tray so, it won't fall off.

Surprisingly, someone slapped my tray and it was a familiar face of the girl who  always bullies me.

"Watch were you going, bitch!" She yelled as she smirked at me and most of the students are now staring the two of us.

"You're so pathethic! HAHAHA! Look at you!" She laughed

"YAH! What are you doing to Suzy?!" Chanyeol yelled as he dropped the two sodas on the floor. He stood by my side and wrapped his arms on my shoulders.

"Oppa! Why are you always together with this girl?! She's a bitch and she's a slu--.."

"Shut up! I've had enough!" Chanyeol yelled then, everyone went quiet

"Suzy is not that kind of person! She is kind and I like her! I don't want anyone of you to hurt her coz this girl is my girlfriend!" Chanyeol yelled angrily

My eyes widened of what Chanyeol had said.


My poor Kris.. Where are you? T_____T

I'm so sorry for Team Kris.. But.. Please keep on reading.. 

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Saranghaeyo~ <3

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