Chapter 1 'Puppies'

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*Natsu POV*

"WHAT!" I scream at my father. "THE DAMN THING WILL EAT MY CAT!"

"Relax Natsu, the dog is a highly trained guard dog that just happens to be a puppy, and no she will not eat Happy." My father chuckled.

"Wait..... SHE! I thought it was gonna be a big tough dog, not a little sissy like Jellal's STRAWBERRY CAT" i yell. I hear Jellal the 'heavanly body' dragon slayer gasp in shock and rage. "YEAH WELL YOUR LITTLE PINK CAT IS A WIMP"

"Well Natsu, you will just have to see how much of a sissy Lucy is." My father retorted.



"Lucy finally arrived. Apparently my dumbass brothers are getting some to as well as little Wendy, as far as i know, her dog is gonna be a MALE! A big tough one too, i sigh as i wait by the side, my body, lighting of fire because why not? I am the fire dragon slayer, so yeah. The crates finally arrive, quite small, both all of them, i hear the others sigh in disappointment. Each crate has our names and the mangy mut's names on them, Heh Gajeel's is called LEVY,  Gray's called JUVIA, Laxus's is called MIRA HAHA, Jellal's is called ERZA and Wendy's is called ROMEO. We lug the surprisingly heavy crates to the family living room and open the crates. 

As soon as they cracked open, inside my crate was a golden wolf-like puppy. Curled up as if she was asleep. Gajeel's was a light blue that was way smaller than the rest, and had her pointed ears flopping everywhere, Gray got a dark blue one with navy blue eyes, Jellal got a red one, who had fierce brown eyes, laxus gut a pure white one with piercing blue eyes and Wendy got the smalllest, a little black one, you could tell they were all siblings, just by looking at them, as if on the same mindset, all of us laughed, i mean... LOOK AT THEM! Trained guard dogs?! HAH what a laugh. Then i noticed something strange happening with Lucy, she started to light on Fire..... 

"MY DOG IS ON FIRE!" I screamed, freaking out. 

"WHAT" my siblings yelled, my dad just snickered.

"Hah" i hear with my super sensitive hearing. "King Igneel, you sir are mean, Tsk tsk wouldn't you agree Levy?" We sat there dumbfounded.

"Yeah I agree Lucy", replied the smaller female.

"Alright guys, you can take your dragon forms, stop scaring my children"

"Fine" grumbled a very aggressive sounding female voice.

We were about to ask what these magical dogs were talking about, when all of a sudden, the crates became splinters under 6 HUGE dragons, the 'small' male who i 20foot tall dragon must have been Romeo , the 4o feet tall navy blue dragon and the 40foot Bloodred dragon must have been Juvia and Erza. The green and blue 30foot dragon was definitely Levy, a 40 foot tall white dragon that was obviously Mira and the biggest dragon (60 foot) who was definitely Lucy was..... Gold? I thought it would be red? You know ,fire? But then Erza would be fire.... WTF.

"Girls...." My father began.

"HEY" protested the gray dragon.

"....and boy" My father continued, "would you like to introduce yourselves? And Romeo..... STOP POUTING."

"YES SIR and sure I'll go first. My name is Romeo, I am the dragon of smoke. I am a mere 120 years old, so that's why I'm so small....."

"SMALL? YOUNG!? IM ONLY 12!" yelled Wendy, as she zipped around her new and obviously uncomfortable protecter using her sky powers. 

"If only you knew the truth," i heard him mutter, i was going to ask him but my thoughts were interrupted by Juvia.

"I am Juvia! I am the water dragon, and protector of Gray~Sama. I'm only 180 along with my sister Erza!"

*Juvia doesn't talk in 3rd person BTW*

"I am Erza, AND NO I AM NOT THE FIRE DRAGON i am the dragon OF WARRRRRRRRRRRRRR and yes i am 180, i shall be protecting Prince Jellal."

I thought i saw Jellal blush a little, but decided against it because it might have been from his tattoo and the light.

"Mira. Shifter dragon. 190 years old, and protector of Laxus! Pleasure to meet all of you!" She said sweetly.

"I'm Levy the Earth dragon" Began the little Green, blue and brown dragon,"I'm only 170, and i shall be protecting Gajeel." She added shyly.

"I'm Lu-" but Gajeel interrupted her,

"WHY DO I GET THE SHRIMP" i saw a sliver of water running down Levy's face. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY SISTER YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A METAL DRAGON!" Yelled an infuriated Golden dragoness, her scales turning from a gold to a deep red and then back again and again, her eyes firey with pure anger and hate, the slightly smaller Erza right beside her. Growling.

"n---oth--ing m-m-mam" whimpered Gajeel, now on the floor.

"THATS WHAT I THOUGHT now," said Lucy as she began to turn a golden colour again."I am Lucy, the elemental dragon, and general of Inferno. Along with my sisters, i am immortal and a creation of the great Dragon god Inferno. Even though i am way younger than the uhhhhh original element dragons.... The fire, and son of the god inferno himself, the wind, the water, the earth, the life and death dragons , though all died except for the fire and wind due to, ummm some complications with an evil wizard, any way i am 200 and can perform ALL elements under the sun, including the subspecies of elements such as Lightning, smog and metal and celestial." 

Guardian Dragons (NALU, GRUVIA, GALE, JERZA, MIRUXUS)Where stories live. Discover now