Chapter 3 'I'm sorry'

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Gajeel POV

She hasn't said a thing to me for 3 days straight. 3 DAYS! All she does is follow me around. Making sure I'm safe, not because she wanted to, because it was her job, what she was supposedly created for. She often just sits there. Watching me. Whenever i go into the library, i always see her with her nose is a book, but as soon as i get up to leave, she is right behind me.

I feel extremely bad for what i said, now she was always a small, tiny dragon, no bigger than an average dog, sometimes she would even be a dog. Whenever i looked at her, she always had a face, like she was expecting me to say something, but i never did. 

It was day 4 when i finally said something.

"I'm sorry Levy." She looked up at me with perplexed, doe brown eyes, swirling with power.

"Whatever." She replied, her voice low, and depressed, nothing like when i had first met her, her pattern gleaming as i inspected the little dragon. She obviously didn't care. Her legs were brown with green specks, half way up her body was green and then it was a beautiful royal blue, representing the trees and the sky.

"You really are beautiful, though." I complimented, not thinking before i said anything.

"U-mm-m T-th-thanks," She stuttered, blushing. In attempt to hide it though, she hid in the book she was reading, it was in some foreign language, greek or Italian i think.

After what seemed like hours of silence, "Can you meet up with your brother, Natsu? I need to talk to my sister about something."  I had been avoiding my siblings since i got Levy, so i could try to apologise. 

"Sure?" I answered.

As i headed back to my room, i thought i saw a blue haired girl next to me, but it was only my little dragon, or was it?

Guardian Dragons (NALU, GRUVIA, GALE, JERZA, MIRUXUS)Where stories live. Discover now