Chapter 15 'What is that?'

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Gray POV

I awoke to the sound of running water, my eyes heavy, as they opened, I became aware that we were behind the water fall on the water/ ice island. I soon realised that Juvia was besides me, her body pressed to my side, her blue scales shimmering in the reflection caused by the water, she rolled over, staring straight into my eyes. She shifted back to human form, I followed. We just, lay there. Hours pass until I notice something on a seemingly, uhhh 'under dressed' Juvia. A blue mark on the grove of her Neck, a patch of scales. I gently rubbed it and she shivered. She glared at me and poked my shoulder groove, and then I realised that there was navy blue scales there to. She giggled as shocks were sent through my body.

"What is that" I questioned as I gestured for her shoulder .

"The mark" she answered simply.

"Of what?"

"The fact that you are mine." I started to blush and she laughed again. "Also, you're stuck with it. Unless you're Lucy, she can always change it." I pouted at the idea of he wanting to hide my mark. " But not that I'd want to" she added hurriedly. I laughed. She glared. That glare was so cold it made ME shiver.

She slowly stood up. She stood slowly, giving me a FULL view. She was covered in a thin sarong and wore a purple bikini with white polka dots. I was, as usual wore nothing but my long boxers, I mean, that habit has been with me so long i have been doing it since i was 8, well I guess since i was 80, technically, god, I sound old jezzzzz.

I followed her outside. She had reached the bottom of the island and was sitting in

The hot springs were at the bottom while the peaks were frozen. The winds and storms blowing at unimaginable speeds. I saw a flash of blue and grey-purple zipping around the top. Must have been Wendy and Romeo racing. I could still hear the distant roars and gunfire from the fire island. Jeezz, what beasts those two were.

Natsu POV

As the red demon and Twilight Sparkle fled to the island of probably death, war and the night, Luce seemed to disappear. I followed her sent to one of the many lava craters. She couldn't have god down there, could she? Worth a try. I remember dad lecturing us about mating season, something about proving determination and loyalty or something. If I wanted to, I could leave. If i wanted to, I could find another female, but the thing is... I didn't. I dove down, breathing in the magma. Swimming downwards blindly, until i reached the cavern.

700 feet tall probably. Full of lava pits and spots. A few random fires. In the middle,was a huge slab of rock. It was probably soft due to the extreme temperatures. I lay down on it, oh my Inferno, IT WAS. Before I knew it, i had drifted off. With the sound of beating wings in the distance.

I was woken by a loud THUD. I lept to my feet, ready to defend my territory, when I saw the figure of Luce staring at me. I blushed as she smiled evilly. Her long tail wrapped around mine, then began trailing around my body as she circled me, my tail thumping on the floor like a love sick puppy. What I didn't notice was her tail wrap around my legs, THUD.

"OW, LUUUUUUUCE" I complained as she tripped me up.

She laughed, then turned sinister. "AND THAT IS WHY YOU DONT SNEAK INTO MY NEST" I trembled in fear. Then i got a rare, but brilliant idea.

"Don't you mean OUR nest" I added seductively .She blushed as she lay beside me. Here scales turning a delicate pink that matched my human hair. She then did something unexpected. She shifted back to her human form. I refused, knowing full well what she could do to me. She frowned. It was hard to make out her facial features because she was so tiny. She wore a black combat boots, black, ,torn skinny jeans, a leather jacket and a black crop top that showed off her toned stomach. Her hair was in a tight braid. She lept up onto one of the Walls, way farther than any normal human could. She climbed the walls and onto the ceiling like a gecko, the whole while I was petrified that she would fall. Then she did. All I could do was panic as she dived for my head. She started to slow down as she became vertical while she descended. She gently landed on my head.

"WHAT WAS THA-" I was cut off by her poking a nerve at the back of my horn, so tiny, that it was nearly impossible to see. I felt my body shift back. I was on the floor in a second at her level. She had a very smug look on her dial.

"WHAT WAS THAT" I flipped out.

"What was what?" She returned innocently.

"The climbing thing and the poky thing!"

"Oh those? I'm surprised you didn't know about them, being trained as a Dragon Slayer and all. They are all part of dragon slaying techniques to make it easier. The climbing thing is for climbing above the dragon to reach the nerve and the 'poky thing' was just a nerve connected to the part of your brain that is in charge of shifting. It was so the dragon slayer could fight on some what equal terms with the dragon before they turn back into a dragon." I just stood there in shock. While in my daze, she smiled before her soft lips touched mine. She bit my lip in a demand for entrance. I allowed. I kissed her back, harder.. That seemed to surprise her, before she returned it. Then she poked a nerve again at the back of my neck, and it all went black.

We both woke up, tired and bruised. Lucy looked so tired that she didn't shift properly. She had a patch of pinky scales in the grove of the left side of her neck. I pointed this out and she just laughed. She gestured for me to feel the left of my neck. I did as i was told, and was soon met with the familiar feeling of scales. She went on to explain that was a permanent mark that literally said 'I BELONG TO LUCY' to all dragons. It also meant that I would no longer be able to even 'CONSIDER' another of ANY SPECIES attractive or even 'cute' unless it was Lucy, the same for her, though that didn't stop us from getting jealous. If I got to close with her sisters, Wendy or even my MOM. Same goes for me. It's gonna be funny when Wendy and Romeo go through this, they have no competition, heck they might even end up fighting each other. It's only then did I realise our lack of clothing. Lucy noticed to and looked like she got an evil idea. What ever it was, I was gonna just let her do what she wanted with me, it was my turn to please my mate.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Laxus POV

It's been 3 weeks and it seems like Mira and I are the first ones back. Wendy and Romeo are just chilling and gossiping with the lord of the universe, as you do. Mira and I were sitting at a table that hat had only one chair.... suspicious. When i looked over at Inferno, I thought i saw him make a troll face..... ehh probably just my imagination. Anyway, Mira had to sit on my lap. Not that i minded. We were having a conversation about what we are gonna tell dad when she interrupted me by poking my white scales on my neck. Oh Inferno, she was gonna get it. I tried to reach for it but she saw my plan and lept up to one of the support bars, at the same time, flashing her lacy underwear 'accidentally' causing me to blush heavily. She blew a raspberry while i just sat and pouted. She lept down on top of my shoulders after she got bored.

Torch and Queenie came next, apparently, soon after they entered, Flame-ass touched Blondie's ummm 'hind quarters' and she did a 360 smack down, properly disciplining her mate. Apparently, Sparkle-arse did the same to the Red demon, and he was still being dragged by the ear when they reached us. Water woman seemed to be glued to Princess popsicle. Whenever he complimented her she would kiss him on the cheek.

"I wish Erzy would do that" i heard Shiny say.

"What was that my blueberry?" A very smitten 'Erzy' cooed as she kissed his cheek. Oh Jellal said nothing, he just blushed.

Last came the The Gajevy squad. Levy was protesting loudly as nuts & bolts carried her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I heard her say something about him putting her down and he just refused. She then shifted into a 30 foot tall dragon (We're back to normal size) and sat on him, causing a very annoyed , 45 foot tall Gajeel to wrap himself around a struggling Levy as she tried to escape. She escaped by turning into a dog and slipping out but Gajeel caught her in human form and the cycle went on and on and on for hours until the pair fell asleep along with the rest of us.

Guardian Dragons (NALU, GRUVIA, GALE, JERZA, MIRUXUS)Where stories live. Discover now