Chapter 4 'I'm a monster'

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Jellal POV

Erza was very, umm how do I say... aggressive? She was very quiet but as soon as I touched her, she swore to curse me with the failure in all battles and competitions, because she can do that and I violated her personal space? She was very cute though, soft almost. I loved it when I made her stutter and blush, she did that very easily. Sometimes, when she thought I was asleep, and when my 'cat' *i am no longer mentioning his cat cuz I'm lazy and not bothered*was. been a strawberry farm in the gardens, which she always was, she would turn into a tiny dragon and sleep on my head on on my chest. She was adorable. I was always aware of it, but she only found out that I did when her little tail poked my ear and I laughed. She was not very happy about that. 

She often seemed, depressed almost, as if she was guilty of something, she guarded her emotions very strongly, but it all showed in her eyes, those deep, chocolate orbs. I was personally quite scared to ask, but after a few days  I mustered the courage to ask.

"What's wrong? You look like your guilty of something." I asked, surprised that I didn't stutter.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied defiantly.

"Fine, whatever," I continued. She obviously doesn't want the conversation to end like that.

"F-f-fine." She began. Damn man, I should take psychologist." I- I'm not as peaceful as my sisters. I'm a monster that was created to balance out the world. My job was to balance out you. As the Devil balances the angel, I do the same to you. I have the ability to start wars, kill thousands, and... I'm afraid that I may kill you..." a single tear roled down her scaled face.

"No. You are not a monster, you have complete control of yourself. You protect others, like you did with your sister. Sorry about my stupid brother by the way."

" Thank you, and it is fine, I remember two angels would always pester levy, Jet and Droy. Called her 'tiny'. She ate them " Erza smiled. She never smiles. "Can I ask a favor of you?"


"Can you meet up with all your brothers and sister? I need to discuss something with my siblings regarding your safety." 

"Sure?" I answer wondering what it was about. 

" Please arrange it for  next week on the Monday, in the Library." 


"Thank you"

What I didn't know was that the choice that she would make would effect my life forever.

Guardian Dragons (NALU, GRUVIA, GALE, JERZA, MIRUXUS)Where stories live. Discover now