Chapter 14 'I'm sorry' Levy edition

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Gajeel POV

Levy way busy battling it out with Mira. From the nearby Fire island, I could just hear the gunfire and roars of Bunny Girl and Titania. It sounded like a full scale war over there, I guess it was. Well the only reason they were fighting was because they saw each other as competition i guess. I mean, Titania was sorta pretty, in the way that she would rip your head off then kissing you, and Bunny Girl was, ok.... I honestly didn't see why She-Devil and Shrimp were fighting in the first place. I mean, Laxus was Laxus and liked bigger , while I preferred smaller. Maybe they were fighting for the control of the territory. I really don't know.

At some point, Sparky had enough. He barged through and started trying to protect Mira. That meant that he was attaching Levy. This majorly pissed me off and Mira. I got between Levy and Pylon. Big mistake. I was attacked by vines, plants, lightning, and the odd clump of dirt along with your every day set of teeth and claws, thankfully, i had hide as strong as steel, though it did attract electricity. As I was fighting off Thunderstorm, Levy was still attacking Laxus, but i was it the way, meaning she was attacking me, her rock hard claws slicing through mine as I was water, I could take almost anything, knifes, daggers, tazzers, but the sensation of my mates claws hurt more than physically. Like daggers tearing through my heart. She snapped out of it after what seemed like hours, but due to the flurry, i knew it had only been a few minutes. She halted. Tears brimming her eyes, soaking her fury pelt. Her wings folded in on themselves in fear and guilt, her amber eyes added more to the picture, Orange, glassy orbs, staring deep into my soul. Sparky halted, before returning to his Mira. 

Levy's tears soaked the fur on her face. That was when she fled. She used her abilities to open a hole in the ground, racing through. I managed to slip through the 'Levy sized hole' just in time, before it was closed. I followed down the trail that she was headed. There were many dim tunnels, a maze, the only guide i had was her sent of books and..... motor oil? The stench of the oil was faint but clearly there.... strange. I kept following the tunnels. As the light at the end of the tunnel i was following became brighter, it lead into a cavern. One of its walls was covered in book shelves and items. One of the others was home to countless metal frames and metal items and a small work shop, that had small human machines like cars, trucks and motorcycles. Guess that's where the smells come from. The other walls were blank but were covered in embedded metals, precious stones and in one of the farthest corners was a pile of gold, jewels and other precious items. What i had not noticed at first was the loft made of vines, tree roots and plants. I took flight and ascended what must have been a good 200 feet. As i used my metal claws to dig into the roots and hauled my metallic body on the nest, mostly comprised of soft materials such as felt, feathers and fur pelts. A few books were scattered about, the colour of the pelts, feathers and felt blended her body quite nicely. She was quite hard to spot. 

As i lay down beside her slightly trembling body, she seemed to jump up in fright, so much, that she turned into a human. I gently picked up Her fragile, shivering, tiny body and held it close to my large, metallic state. I gently set her down as a changed back into a human, my wounds on my back hard torn so many holes in my shirt, the shirt was in rags and had fallen off, leaving my wounds on my back and chest visible. She ran up and hugged me with bone-crushing strength.

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry Gajeel" She started to cry into my chest. The only reason why she could cut through my metal was because my element was a part of hers, meaning that her claws could tear through anything.

I said nothing, just holding her tightly. She let go and turned into any elephant sized dragon and used her tail to gently lift me and carry me to the center of her woolly nest. She lay me down and curled around me, gently cleaning the wounds on my ravaged back and letting me recover. I later stood up and turned into my largest possible size, Levy following my lead. We curled together once more before our instincts took hold.

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