Chapter Eight

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Blossom POV
It's been almost a week since the incident. She's been out cold and isn't responding....
"Please live..."
Xavier POV
She's been unconscious for about a week. What if she doesn't wake up?
"Don't leave us..."
Alexander POV
I sat there with the others, holding her hand. She so warm.
"We can't live without you..."
Jacob POV
We've cried and haven't gotten much sleep. Don't go.
"Wake up..."
Travis POV
I stood there. We've waited for almost one week.
"Come back to us..."
Nicholas POV
We sat in the room waiting for her to wake up. She can't leave us.
"Come back home..."
Genevieve POV
She's isn't responding to anything I say. She isn't waking up.
"Don't forget about us..."
Lilith POV
I was still in darkness but I heard the voices of my pack. I couldn't do anything to show I was still here. They echoed and I saw images of them waiting by my bed.
"Please live..."
"Don't leave us..."
"We can't live without you..."
"Wake up..."
"Come back to us..."
"Come back home..."
"Don't forget about us..."
I cried and sat down.
"I want to live. I want to stay with you. I won't leave you. I want to wake up. I want to go back. I want home. I won't forget. But I don't know how to find my way home." I whimpered.
"You'll find a way out soon." A voice said. I looked up and saw the woman from before.
"What is your name and why are you here?" I asked while hiccuping. She chuckled and shook her head.
"My dear girl, I am Lilian, your mother. I'm going to help you control your new powers." She said. I stood up and looked at her confused.
"So I'm going to learn how to control new powers in my mind and hopefully know how to control it when I wake up." I deadpanned. She chuckled.
"Basically." She answered. I sighed. Welcome to my life, where nothing makes sense.
"Well for starters, you can try teleporting..." She said. I looked at her with a confused face. She pointed up and I saw a fucking anvil falling. Being the smart person I am, I stood still. Yeah. Very smart indeed. The anvil was an inch from my head before I vanished to another spot. And that's how the rest of my training went. I can teleport, read minds, tell a lie from a truth, make things from crystals, time manipulation, and I've learned a lot of ancient spells. My new form has white hair and my eyes are red and gold. My skin is still white and I have a butterfly on my face. I have an angel and demon wing.

I moved a little and opened my eyes

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I moved a little and opened my eyes. It was night and my brothers and sisters sat by me, sleeping. I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Blossom's ear. She woke up from that. I smiled at her as she smiled in tears and hugged me tightly.
"LILITH YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" She shouted while crying and smiling. That woke everyone else up. They all crowded around me and hugged me. Some were scolding me for being stupid enough to go out at night. Eliza was sitting with Jacob. I guess they already know about her. Well that saves me some time. I sat up and tried using my powers. I teleported to the corner of the room. Yes! They work! I mentally yelled.
"What.." Blossom started.
"The..." Xavier continued.
"Fudge...." Nicholas ended. I smiled sheepishly and explained everything to them.
Two eternities later...
They had confused looks on.
" Slender is your father?" Jacob asked. I nodded.
"Apparently, I got my memories when my mom appeared in my mind and it caused whatever spell I was under to break and my memories to come back." I said and shrugged.
"Sooo...are you going to tell him you know?" Blossom asked. I shrugged. What's with the shrugging? Lol.
"Maybe. Maybe not." I answered.
"Oh and also, look at my new form~" I sang and transformed. My hair is still white and so is my skin. My eyes are red and yellow. My wings came out and they stared at me in awe.
"Damn girl." Blossom said. I changed back to my normal form with white skin and gold eyes.
"Let's go. I've been in this room too long." I said stretching. They got up and I teleported us out the mansion and into a random spot in the woods.
"You haven't shifted in a while right? We can go for a run now." I said and shifted into my ginormous wolf. Eliza did it without much struggle. We ran through the forest while playfully pushing each other. When we stopped, we were at a beautiful river.

I was the first to jump in, splashing the others with water

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I was the first to jump in, splashing the others with water. I gave them a wolfish grin.
"You're going to pay for that." They said in unison. They ran after me in the river while trying to splash me. I managed to splash Eliza, Jacob and Alexander before they jumped on me.
"Jeez you guys weigh a ton." I snickered and got up. They fell off me and into the river. I chuckled.
"I'm hungryyy." Blossom whined. I gave her the 'go find your own food' look. She did puppy eyes.
"Aish. So problematic. We can go hunt." I said and she jumped around like a puppy. We ran near the edge of a town and shifted into our human forms. Like how we looked like as a human. Not pale skinned. We picked a house that was far from the others and went inside. We split up and looked for the people. I found a child's room. I crept inside to see a little girl who looked about five. I went closer and slashed her neck. I ripped her flesh apart and ate her heart. I took the other organs and found a bag to put them in. I went to find the others. Alexander and Eliza went to the parent's bedroom and killed the mother. Blossom, Nicholas, and Jacob had killed the twin brothers. Xavier and Travis killed the father. We took their organs and hid the bodies in the basement. When we came out we saw EJ, Jeff, and Ben. Before we walked in, I stopped them.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I mindlinked. They nodded.
"Shape shifting and screwing with them?" Eliza answered. I nodded. Hell yes. We took the forms of the ones we killed. There was more than the original amount of people living here so we took turns to do it. We snuck back into the rooms we killed them in and waited. I dragged a chair so I could sit by the window. The door opened and I could tell it was Jeff. I giggled and turned around. As the knife was swung at me, I dodged. There was a hallway of doors so we could run in through one and have others running out of the others. And because most of us looked the same, we could walk through one door, confuse them, and run out from another. We did that for about ten minutes before they stopped running and just stood at the end of the hallway. We stood in the center of the hallway and laughed our heads off. They were pissed. We shifted back to our original forms with white skin and gold eyes.
"Oh my fucking god you should've seen your faces!!" Travis said laughing.
"You guys are so dead." EJ growled. I tossed a bag of kidneys toward him.
"You're forgiven." He said quickly. Jeff and Ben's jaws dropped.
"Traitor." Ben said with a dramatic gasp. EJ shrugged.
"Now we need to go to another house and kill." Jeff sulked.
"Your problem." We said in unison.
"Do you guys practice this or something?" Ben asked. We shrugged.
"Great minds think alike." I answered.
"Anyways were gonna go." I said and we walked out of the house. I teleported is back to the mansion, to our room. When we were inside, almost everyone was there. I smiled sheepishly.
"Hi?" I squeaked, catching everyone's attention.
"Where were you?!" Slender asked angrily.
"Out?" I answered.
"That's not what- forget it. At least you're still alive." He said and sighed. They left the room and only us and Slender were in the room.
"So, mind explaining a few things dad?"
Author's Note
Sorry it took so long to upload. This author doesn't like to work. I'm probably failing my classes too. 🤗
Well anyways

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