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Another tag from Blossom1649
Kill me.

1. Name
Hell naw

2. Birthday

3. Favorite Color
Midnight Blue

4. Favorite BTS Member

5. Last Song I Listened To
Save Me by BTS

6. Last Song I Danced To
Fire by BTS

7. Last Thing I Did That Was Interesting
Meh. My life is not interesting.

8. Favorite Album

9. Picture Of You
Picture of me? Hell naw. But here's a picture of Taehyung

 But here's a picture of Taehyung

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10. Zodiac

11. Last Sport I Did

12. Morning or Night?

13. Talents
Singing, violin, song writing, finding weird things every two seconds, and...uh..idk

14. Favorite Book I've Written?
I only have two and I love them both even if they are crappy.

15. Demons or Angels

16. Languages You Speak
English, Cantonese, a little Korean, a little Spanish, a little Mandarin, a little Japanese

17. Top Three Worst Moments In Lyfe
-Family member dies
-Son of a beach that took me bestie
-uh...waking up

18. Top Three Best Moments In Lyfe
-Going to China
-Chinese New Year

19. If I Could Fix One Mistake In The Past
Talking to that son of a beach
Some may know who. Most will not.

20. Tag Five People Or More
What people?
I barely know anyone on wattpad and lisamacl doesn't like to be tagged soooo...

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