The Memories

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For the last century, approximately, this had been her home. Every once in a while, she would move to a new place, either to keep the scenery fresh or due to the fact that her residence would be discovered, usually ending with her being chased down but, luckily, never caught.

She often reminisced in the few memories of her life before she died. That was a painful thing when she, quite literally, had all the time in the world. Everyone she had known in her life before her current... situation were long dead, and sometimes she wondered if it would have been better if she had followed them.

"Hagoromo-kun! Hamura-kun!" A young girl of no more than 7 years ran towards two boys of around the same age, her short white hair whipping from side to side.

The boys turned around and waved to the girl who seemed to be radiating with excitement.

"Nina-chan, what is it?" the slightly taller boy, Hagomoro, asked.

"I wanna see more! Can you show me the magic?" the girl pleaded, hands clasped in front of her, black irises gleaming.

Hagomoro and Hamura glanced at each other and smiled. They molded chakra in their hands and, a moment later, snowflakes slowly began floating down, somehow staying frozen even under the glare of the blazing sun.

"Yay! Snow in summer!" she giggled, reaching up in an attempt to catch a snowflake. "Thank you!" She threw an arm around each of them and squeezed with all the strength she could muster, and they hugged back, laughing along with her.

She always wanted to have chakra like the twins.

"Kaasan, this is Nina. She's friends with Hamura and I." Hagoromo introduced.

The three children stood in front of a beautiful woman, white hair cascading down her back, touching the floor.

The princess, Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The ten year old girl, Nina, looked at the ground, slightly hiding behind Hamura. She was unthinkably nervous. Ever since she could remember, she had looked up to the princess. She had quickly denied when Hagoromo and Hamura had insisted that she meet their mother. Despite having now been friends with the two for four years, she knew that she'd be far too fidgety. However, being clever as they are, the two had managed to make sure they were late for dinner while Nina was in their company, and, just as they planned, their mother came looking for them.

"Hello young lady." the princess smiled gently. "You're friends with my sons?"

Nina nodded vigorously, not daring to look up at the princess.

"Well, my sons never introduce me to their friends, you must be close." Kaguya concluded. "How would you like to come over for dinner? I'm sure Hagoromo and Hamura would enjoy the company." the woman offered, looking at her sons who nodded happily. "Then it's settled. I will send someone to inform your parents."

"Oh, um, you don't need to do that, Kaguya-hime. I don't have parents," Nina said, not a hint of sorrow present on her innocent features.

The princess blinked in surprise.

"They died before I was a year old." By then, she had said those words too many times to be fazed.

"Is that so? You have my sympathy." the woman looked genuinely sorry, but quickly changed the topic. "Come, dinner is ready."

That was among the happiest memories she could recollect.

If only it had lasted.

The entire clan stood frozen, staring up at the monstrous creature towering overhead. Fires raged throughout the village, houses lie in rubble behind the creature.

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