The Confrontation

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A chuckle broke through the silence and all eyes turned to its source.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up." Madara grinned threateningly. "Good to see that isn't the case."

The white haired figure lifted their head and glared wordlessly at the Uchiha.

"Nina?" A voice from behind called with a mixture of confusion and surprise. Hashirama was shocked, not only because she was here, but also because the force of the two attacks colliding didn't leave a single scratch on her.

But her attention wasn't on him.

"What you are trying to achieve is ridiculous." She spat in a tone that was very unlike her.

"Ridiculous?" Madara repeated incredulously. "You of all people should understand why it is completely reasonable. Peace is necessary for a perfect world and violence is the only way to reach it. You've seen many wars, haven't you, Otsutsuki Nina?"


"How did you find out?" She asked sharply.

Another chuckle left his lips.

"Now that you're here, things will be much more interesting." Ignoring her question, he clasped his hands together and the Demonic Statue lunged forward, instantly closing the gap between them. A decayed hand swung down and she leapt back, causing it to collide with the ground. She landed on one of the arms of the more pristine statue.


She glanced down to see Hashirama looking back at her, evidently confused.

"Why are you here?" He questioned.

"We'll talk later, we have something on our hands at the moment."

As if on cue, another enormous hand clamped down on the arms of Hashirama's statue, just barely missing Nina. She leapt up onto the huge twisted arm and sprinted towards Madara who stood on its head. In a split second, she was right in front of him. He gripped his gunbai and swung it, creating a strong gust of wind that nearly pushed her off the statue.

"What are you planning?" She demanded, causing a smirk to spread across his face.

"I'll achieve what your clan never could." He took a deep breath and blew a large stream of fire. Nina leapt sideways and avoided it, landing on the statue's left shoulder.

"What makes you think you'll be able to bring peace?" She challenged as she dodged another blast of fire.

"The new world will need a ruler, who more fit than myself?" A flaring blue susanoo formed around his body and a sword appeared in its hand. It drew its arm back and sliced the air, sending out a wave of glistening blue spikes. Nina held a hand out and the spikes all crashed into an invisible barrier. The susanoo threw its sword at her but she jumped back in time to avoid it.

Behind her, the sword hit a patch of trees and cut straight through them. The tops of hundreds of trees toppled to the ground.

Nina landed on the ground a distance away and Madara didn't hesitate to follow. The susanoo slammed a fist onto the ground, dozens of pillars of the same blue chakra shot up from the ground and twisted into a dome around her. After a moment, the pillars shattered and Nina jumped out, landing just about ten meters away from the trigger-happy Uchiha. Without warning, the susanoo changed. Four extra arms appeared as the torso grew wider.

"With so many years of hiding, you must have developed a few tricks." Madara brought his hands together and the susanoo mirrored him. "Let's put on a good show." A chain of blasts went off one after another, forming a line of destruction headed straight towards Nina. As the last one sounded, Madara leapt forward and the susanoo slammed a hand down on the spot Nina stood. Seeing her dissappear and reappear a distance away, he wasted no time in charging at her once again.

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