The Village

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Nina was lead back to the Senjus by the same elder whose name she learned was Hideaki. Upon entering, she was immediately met by Hashirama who immediately inspected her for any missing limbs.

"Good, you're not injured." he sighed dramatically.

"I'm not."

"What did Madara want?" Mito asked.

"To know about my past." Nina answered simply, receiving a scoff from Tobirama.

"Something he and I have in common." he stared at both her and Hashirama.

The older Senju sweat dropped, he knew that Nina would tell them in time. Even knowing so, he truly wished he could pass such an intriguing story to his brother and wife. He tried to overcome the silence that had now befallen the group, clearing this throat.

"Well, it's pretty late, we should all get some rest. Tomorrow, we will be meeting with the Uchiha elders and council." Everyone collectively sighed. "I hear they're still split on whether or not they should be involved in the village formation." he finished.

The four wished each other a good night's rest and scattered to their respective rooms.

Nina leaned against the window frame, glassy eyes staring at the pale moon. Not that she would admit it, or had anyone to admit to, but she had long wished to rejoin her clan. Yet she knew she could not. Not now. Not ever. The celestial body seemed to stare her down, mocking her loneliness.

Bright rays of light greeted the Senju group as they stepped out of the house, clad in new, brilliant kimonos. In the lead was the same Uchiha guard from yesterday.

Settling themselves in the same arrangement as the day before, they faced at least two dozen Uchiha elders and council members, each displaying different level of distrust.

"Senju-san," one man spoke to Hashirama. "Do you truthfully want to be involved in such a whimsical plan? You must realize that your idea is a bit of a stretch on the cooperation of so many clans."

"Some that have been at war for centuries." another man added.

"Of course. I trust that the hatred of many clans can be diffused with the right method." Hashirama answered confidently.

"And what part do you see the Uchiha Clan playing?"

Tobirama spoke before his brother could.

"Your clan will play a role equally important as our own. Rest assured we will have joint power in the village."

All three others on the Senju side were surprised at the answer. Perhaps Tobirama was finally beginning to support the plan. Hope for success began to surface, bit by bit.

However, one question soon came up, one that Nina knew was inevitable.

"I understand that this woman is not a Senju, yes?" a man asked, his gaze piercing through Nina. "What clan are you from?"

She remained silent. How was she going to answer this in a way that wouldn't put everything she's worked for in danger? Hesitantly, she opened her mouth to answer, but Hashirama beat her to it.

"If it is not of great concern to the alliance, we would prefer to set aside such irrelevant information." he stated calmly.

The Uchihas visibly grew suspicious at this.

"Oh? Would we disapprove of her clan?"

"Is her clan an enemy to the Uchiha?"

"Enough." the man who spoke was the head elder whom they had spoken to the day before, Hideaki. "If it does not bring us any conflict than the Senjus do not need to tell us of her clan. They have placed great trust in us, we can repay that by trusting their good judgement." he glanced at Nina, who nodded gratefully. Many of other men frowned, but let it drop nonetheless.

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