The Mission

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"Hashirama!" Tobirama called to his brother in the next room. "The Yamanakas and the Inuzakas are having another dispute." He stated, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The older Senju poked his head into the room.

"What's it over this time?" His voice was tired but determined.

"The Inuzaka ninken are roaming around the Yamanaka compound." Tobirama looked up from his paperwork in time to see his brother sigh.

"I'm on it." Hashirama nodded and disappeared from the room.

Five months have passed since the Hokage was named. Some clans took more kindly to their new neighbors than others. No matter how big or small the problem was, Hashirama insisted that he personally resolve it. From the physical conflict between Hyuuga and Akimichi clans to the Hoki and Nara clan disagreement over flower arrangements, everything was handled by the Hokage himself. It was quite a sight to see; an esteemed leader running around his village, frantically trying to keep the peace. Of course, Tobirama, Mito, and Nina along with the shinobi who worked with then have often offered to help, but he had denied every time, claiming it was his duty.

The academy was just beginning to enroll students. There were many children who were already enrolled, but the majority of adults in the village refused to let their kids attend a school where so many other clans would be as well. It was certainly going to be a problem if this kept up. For now, however, Tobirama was in charge of making sure that everything related to the academy was organized and ready to go. And they were. From the wooden desks to the large chalkboard, anything that could possibly be needed was prepared. The volunteer teachers were ready to spread knowledge on their subject. Years worth of curriculum had even been planned out.

There was one problem though...

"Nina! Come train with me!"

The said woman sighed upon hearing the enthusiastic voice.

"Izuna." She greeted.

The Uchiha beamed.

"I know you have nothing to do, I found an open training field." He latched onto her arm and began pulling her towards the training grounds on the west side of the village.

The white haired woman smiled gently at his persistent nature. She had grown fond of the young Uchiha over the past few months. He was easy to get along with and had a very laid back personality. They had long forgotten about their less than ideal first meeting. Nina looked back on the memory as an almost humorous incident.

She was brought into a building that seemed to be the office of an important individual. A man who had all the classic Uchiha features; raven hair that reached his shoulders, a blue, high collared shirt, and deep black eyes. The two men who brought her from the cell, bowed to him and backed out. The man looked at her with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, it seems that my men have made a mistake..."

An hour later and Izuna lie on his back, trying to catch his breath. Nina sat on a rock next to him, bruises and cuts could be seen all over, though to a lesser degree than those on the raven haired man.

"Your fire jutsus are great!" He complimented, smiling despite his injured state. She had only used fire type attacks during the spar, revealing more of her abilities would prove threatening to her efforts in hiding her identity.

"Yours are impressive as well." Nina commented. "You've improved."

"Thanks!" The Uchiha grinned.

Sometimes Nina couldn't help but see him as a child.

"Izuna." A stern voice came from behind them. The two didn't need to look to know who it was.

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