The Negotiation

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Arriving back in the Senju compound, Nina brushed past an anxious Mito, offering only a brief 'they're fine' before disappearing from sight.

Not long after, Hashirama and Tobirama also returned, only to be greeted by the frowning redhead.

"What did you two do? Why is she so upset?" Her arms were crossed firmly. 

Hashirama sweat dropped.

"Dear, shouldn't you be more worried about me?" He gestured to his battered appearance, only to receive a slap on the arm.

"Of course I'm worried, don't I have the right to be worried about her too?" Mito glared, daring him to object..

"Of course! I wasn't questioning that!" He waved his hands in front of him. "We should leave her alone for a while, I'll talk to her tomorrow." Hashirama was dreading it already. If she was anything like Mito, he could only imagine the hell he would have to endure to earn her forgiveness.

The next day came quickly, and with it came another meeting. The four were in the same room as always, the white haired woman showing no signs of her anger from yesterday.

"When are we meeting with Madara?" Questioned Tobirama, still not entirely confident in the idea of an alliance with the Uchiha.

"We'll meet with him and his top commanders tomorrow. It'll have to be just us four, that was one of his conditions." Hashirama stated.

"I'm afraid you've made a mistake." Nina interjected. "He must have requested the three of you. I am not a Senju, I have no place in such a meeting." Hashirama shook his head, smiling brightly.

"Actually, he specifically stated that you should be here. 'The angry one,' he called you." He said, receiving a smirk from Tobirama. Nina seemed unsure but nodded regardless.

Their group meeting was dismissed very early that day, but as soon as the others had left, Nina was pulled aside by a fidgety Senju leader.

"Hey, sorry about upsetting you yesterday... I didn't- "

"Don't." She cut him off. "You meant well. I understand." He seemed to let out a breath. Thank goodness he wouldn't have to beg for forgiveness.

"That's good to hear. Anyways," His tone shifted from nervous to teasing, as did his expression. "I've known Madara for years, ever since we were children. I've never seen him take interest in anyone before." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Nina's expression was less than amused.

"Let's just put it this way; I'd rather be courted by a tailed beast than him." She was completely blunt, causing Hashirama to laugh.

"So harsh... Anyways, thank you for helping, I know you didn't have to." He offered an sincere smile.

"My pleasure."

As the day came to a close, Nina lay in bed, eyes open, deep in thought.

'Madara, huh? It'd be nice to get along with him, wouldn't it Hamura?' She thought sadly.

Before anyone knew it, the sun was shining brightly through the windows. The group met in front of the building they'd previously agreed on as the starting point.

"Are we ready?" Mito asked, glancing at each person.

"Of course, let's go." They all nodded and sped off in the direction of the Uchiha Clan compound.

The leaves brushed against their heels as they cut through the large forest.

"We're here." They stopped, gazing down at a large, busy village. A few guards by the gate spotted them and nodded in recognition. Landing in front of them, Hashirama returned the gesture, the other three following suit.

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