The Talk

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Naruto groaned. A bright light reached his eyes through his closed lids. Upon opening them, he only saw a blurry blob of white light in front of him. When his eyes adjusted, the blob became clearer.

"Who are you?" He asked, squinting slightly. He glanced around, he was in a light purple room. A light purple room without walls. All he could see were unending stretches of nothing on all sides. "Where is this?" He added, turning back to the glowing white figure.

"This is a sperate realm, no longer in the world you know. I have called you here to speak to you." The man said evenly. He was old, a long beard atesting to his age. Deep wrinkles lined his eyes and forehead, his brows were creased and his expression was hard. His eyes were rings of purple, the same shade as the space around them. Two white horns protruded from above his forehead and between them was a third eye, large and red, it held the same rings as the others. It looked similar to Sasuke's sharingan. His hair was white and spiked, his robe was white as well and reminded him of the one his sensei often wore, though his had tomoe lining the collar. The man sat cross legged, beneath his levetating form was nine small black orbs arranged in a circle. Naruto noticed there were also tomoe imprinted around his neck to form another circle. Behind his back was a double sided staff, one that looked oddly familiar.

"Who are you?" He repeated.

The man seemed unimpressed.

"My name is Otsutsuki Hagomoro. Many call me the Sage of Six Paths." He introduced. "I know who you are, Uzumaki Naruto."

The said boy frowned at the mention of his name but did not say a word.

"You are quite familiar with an old friend of mine, Nina."

Naruto's eyes widened.

"What? How do you know sensei?" He questioned, now seeming more interested.

"You will understand later, but first, I must tell you the story of why you are here."

Puzzled, Naruto remained quiet, only giving a small nod to show he was listening.

"Nearly one thousand years ago, my clan settled on Earth. My mother was the head of the clan at that time. They were in search of a special fruit, one that would grant them chakra. My mother was the first to find it as well as the first to gain it's powers. Her name was Otsutsuki Kaguya. Her reign over the clan was prosperous and peaceful, that is, until she gave birth to two sons, my brother and I, who both had inherited chakra. Over time, she became resentful, determined to keep the power to herself. However, she found herself unable to do so for many years and all continued to be at peace.

"From a very young age my bother and I were able to use our chakra, it flowed naturally through us and we were able to do what no one else could. One day, my brother returned home and told me of a girl he had met that day. By chance, I was soon able to meet the same girl. She had overflowing energy and a presence of peace that I had never seen in anyone before or since. The three of us were able to become close and were often around each other. One day, mother saw her and was furious. For reasons I do not understand, she hated her. Pure, unbridled hate.

"My mother began growing restless and, years later, once again attempted to kill my brother and I. She transformed into a terrible beast and rampaged across the village, killing everyone that crossed her path. Together, we were able to stop and seal her, but not without many casualties. Among the hundreds of dead was our friend, who was then a young woman. My brother had taken her death especially poorly and mourned for weeks. After speaking with him, we decided on a way to bring her back. With our combined life forces and chakra, we were able to revive her nearly a month after her death, giving her chakra of her very own. We were both joyful, however, something was different. We had thought she would be delighted; she had always admired our chakra, but she had lost her cheerfulness. She had lost the peace that she once held. Neither of us knew what to do, but with the situation as it was, there was no time to consider what she felt. We acted based on the interests of the clan and soon we relocated to a different place. Most of us."

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