The Invasion

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All missions for the four had been reassigned to other people. Tobirama and Nina were completely focused on training the new anbu recruits while Hashirama had been investigating possible suspects behind the break-ins. Madara was occupied with reorganizing the Konoha police force.

Another three days had passed without any more deaths. Each night, the anbu and Uchiha policemen had patrolled their sectors of the village.

"We will continue to guard tonight." Tobirama informed the captains of each division.

"Yes sir!" They replied. Putting their masks on, they dispersed to tell the rest of their squads, leaving the two leaders in front of the Hokage Tower.

"We need to find a way to get more training in." Nina said to the taller man. The members had only been sleeping during daylight hours which had reduced their training time. She was concerned that less training would hinder their progress.

"It could become a problem if we don't." Tobirama agreed, arms crossed.

Suddenly, a loud voice called out.

"Nina!" A lively Izuna landed in front of them. "Nii-san wants you to know he'll be increasing the police presence tonight."

Nina nodded.

"Good, thank you." She offered a small smile.

The Uchiha's eyes flashed to the Senju next to her before leaning closer and whispering.

"What's this about? Why is the police force getting so involved?'" He asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you yet." She told him, receiving a chuckle.

"It's ok, I understand. Well, I have to go, take care!" He called, speeding away. He could feel the Senju's glare on his back the entire time.

"You know," Nina said as she turned to enter the tower, "He's not a bad person." The tensions between the younger Senju and the Uchihas had not diffused since the founding of the village so many months ago.

"Believe what you will." He said, frowning.

Nina sighed at his stubbornness, opening the door to Hashirama's office. She wasn't even halfway through the door when-

"I got it!" Hashirama exclaimed, slamming his hands on his desk.

"What?" Tobirama asked, stepping past Nina to see what his brother was going on about.

"Nina! Remember the mission you went on a month ago? The one with the mysterious masked clan?" He asked hurriedly, only pausing to see her nod. "Well I think I found the clan!"

"What does that have to do with the attacks?'" Tobirama interjected flatly, only to be shushed by his brother.

"I'm getting there. So the clan is called the Adachi clan and they are, or rather, were skilled earth users. Their leader was Hatano Kazan, the first son of Hatano Seiwa who was a prominent clan leader a while back." He pointed to a name in the book in front of him. "But around fifty years ago, Kazan was removed from the clan, something about being 'unfit to lead', and he disappeared for two years. Later on, however, he was discovered to have become the leader of a rouge group after changing his surname to his mother's maiden name, Adachi. Since he was a skilled earth user, he had passed his abilities on to his followers and soon they had grown to become a clan." He paused to take a breath. "So around twenty years ago, Kazan was killed, leaving his eldest son to the position of clan head. His son turned out to be quite the leader, expanding the clan even further through his own... means. His clan was the one you fought, but I don't think he was there. He was probably with a few other clan higher ups someplace else, meaning he's still out there."

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