The Interrogation

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"Please, just tell me who you are." Hashirama said, eyes gleaming with anticipation. When he received no answer, as had been the case for the past hour, he sighed. "Look, the barrier you created back there was very powerful. I haven't seen anything like it before, it would have drained an enormous amount of chakra that most shinobi don't have. This tells me two things: one, you are considerably powerful, two, you have a strong reason to want to stop the bloodshed between us and the Uchihas. All I want to know is what that reason is."

Still, he received only silence from the woman in front of him. Hashirama sighed again; he was usually quite good with words.

Defeated, he stood up and left the room.

A minute later, a woman with fiery red hair and an air of nobility stepped into the room. Nina understood their strategy. They were hoping another woman could get answers out of her. She had been interrogated many times before and was, unfortunately, very familiar with nearly every tactic there was. She was thankful that torture didn't seem to be one of the Senju's.

"My name is Uzumaki Mito, I've been asked to get some information from you."

She seemed smart.

"What can I call you?"

No response.

"Why did you interfere in the battle between Hashirama and Madara?"

No response.

"Do you have something to gain from stopping the war?"

Again, no response.

The sun had set by the time Mito finally gave in. She closed her eyes, letting out a breath.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm sure you're tired. We'll continue tomorrow." she stood up and glided out of the room, whispering something to another woman as she passed. The woman nodded and approached Nina.

"Please come with me." she said quietly.

The two stepped out of the building, towards an unknown destination.

"Where are we going?" Nina questioned, speaking for the first time since she had arrived here.

"I will lead you to your temporary home." came the brief response. As the two settled into a semi comfortable silence, Nina looked around, admiring the small village.

Beautiful architecture, people walking peacefully by, flowers blooming in the spring weather. Looking at such a nice picture, no one would assume that the clan was in the middle of a bloody war. The men, women, and children walking by all seemed happy, even the ones who were ninja. Everyone, that is, except a familiar albino, spiky haired individual that passed them, not ten feet away.

He locked eyes with Nina for a long moment. Seeming to recognize her, his eyes narrowing as he scanned her image. His piercing gaze followed her, a gaze filled with a coldness that anyone could feel from a mile away.

'The one that managed to cut my neck...' Nina mused as she remembered the battle they had no more than a month ago.

The tension only lasted for a few seconds before they both turned away and continued on their separate ways.

Arriving at a small house at the outskirts of the village, the woman stopped.

"Here is where you are to stay. My name is Ia, I will be nearby. If you need anything, just ask." and with that, she turned and started back in the direction they came from.

The next day, the sun had just peaked over the horizon as Nina sat up from the bed. She was still here and, unfortunately, there had been news spread about her arrival among the Senjus, along with that, there was rumor that she was the one who had been intervening in the war between the Uchihas and themselves. She knew that escaping now would only serve to cause further rumors of her motives, as if there weren't enough of those drifting around.

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