The Appearance

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War was a rumor.

War was coming.

War is here.

The Akatsuki are on the move, they were finally going to use the power they had been collecting.

The masked man named Tobi declared war when the nations refused to surrender the Nine Tails, the only tailed beast that remained free from their grasp.

But eight was enough.

Enough to destroy a good portion of the world.

Naruto had been training under another jinchuriki, Killer B, to learn how to control the Kyuubi. Though he and the beast were still at odds, it seemed to tolerate him enough to cooperate most of the time. Killer B had been taken by the Akatsuki just over a month ago, forcing the Allied Nations to change their course of action.

Just inside the village gates stood row upon row of shinobi. Anbu, jounin, and even chunin stood in green vests and faced the Hokage.

"Intelligence from Suna has revealed that the Akatsuki plan to attack on Konoha to capture the Nine Tails! We will meet with troops from the land of Water and Earth and we will defeat the enemy!"

Roars from the crowd was enough to send shivers down the spine of even the most stoic man.

"Let's move!"

A resounding cheer was heard as the mass of shinobi took off.

Corpses were strewn across the bloodstained grass. The bodies, still warm, all had eyes widened in fear, staring at nothing.

A single pair of footsteps calmly made their way around the graveyard.

"...h-help... p-pl-... help..." A broken voice called out.

The owner of the footsteps paused. They looked down to see a young boy, no older that eighteen years old, twitching weakly, just barely alive.

"Hm." The man squatted down next to the boy. He placed one hand over his chest and a bright flash of green appeared. The boy, now with the strength to open his eyes, turned his head over to thank his savior.

But he was not greeted by a savior.

A mask of orange clay swirled and framed around the left eye. A glowing, deadly red eye. The man was barely able to sit up and jump away.

"Y-You!" He stuttered. It was none other than the man who had slaughtered his comrades, the comrades whom now lay under him.

"Quiet." The man spoke and the boy immediately fell silent. "Bring a message to your Hokage. We will destroy your village along with your allies. Bring the jinjuriki boy or all the nations will pay."

The boy gaped, frozen in fear.

"Go." The man commanded, and next thing he knew, he was alone.

She knew from the moment the first tailed beast was taken.

She could hear them calling out.

She could feel their pain.

She had to help them.

Whatever it took.

It was about time, anyways.

"Sasuke! Take the right!" Naruto yelled.

The symphony of scrapes and clashes was deafening. The blood was overwhelming. But Naruto refused to give up: a mindset that he was now known across the nations for. Attacks were abundant in every direction, most of them came from the Allied Forces yet they were still losing ground. The army of artificial green things stood as an inpenatrable wall. No matter how many clones he made, they were all struck down within the minute. As much as logic told him to retreat, he kept fighting. He'd take down as many of them as he could, the waves had to stop sooner or later. He sent a pulse of air that shot through a crowd of the green beings, though the space he had made was immediately filled by more of them.

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