Jaspar/Another interview/dance class

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At gleam....3 hours of dance so far
Evie POV
Hip hop now this is something I'm really good at as I learned the dance over and over and got better joe and Caspar was watching me after they came out of there meeting and I knew how to do it perfectly

"Wanna go from the top with the music? Cuz you've got it I think" the dance teacher said I nodded

"Cool" he said

"5,6,7,8" he counted

This is the dance^^^

"That was amazing good job...I'll see you another time then" the dance teacher guy said

"Yea...thank you" I say out of breath and walk out the door and see joe and Caspar smiling at me I looked at them

"You was amazing...holy shit" Caspar said

"What you mean?" I said confused

"Like you so good at dance I mean Caspar said you was good at the gleam party..expect for the slip up...but you are good more than good incredible!" Joe says

"Well thank you..don't I need to meet Conor soon" I asked

"Mhm..will take you to jacks where he is now it's a 6 minute walk form here"Caspar said

"Okay...bye Dom!" I say he waves and we walk out of gleam headquarters and walk all the way to jacks Caspar said he will waiting outside and I was walking and on my phone and as I put it in my pocket I was down jacks street

Conor POV
Today was freezing in London I stood shivering waiting for Evie and as I saw them Evie was trailing behind on her phone as joe and Caspar walking together with joe vlogging and as he vlogged Evie she looked right at me

"Conor!" She yells and runs to me and joe flipped his camera and she hugged me

"Awh bless" Caspar said

"Hay" I said laughing and let go of her hug and she smiled at me

"I'm excited for the interview!!!" She said

"I can tell little one" I said as I laughed with Caspar and joe and joe stopped vlogging

"How was her danceing?" I asked joe and Caspar

"Oh god Conor! She amazing! She has true talent I'm telling you it's incredible I was shocked" joe said

"Well she takes after me of course" I joked that laughed

"Was she good?" I asked them

"Yeah yeah, an angel" joe said she smiled

"Well we better get off" I say and Evie got in the car and said bye to joe and Caspar

"C ya! Mate!" Joe said

"Bye buddy" Caspar said

"Bye!" I say and got in my car

Evie POV 
"So now let's meet probably the luckiest girl ever she was an orphan but a YouTube star singer took her in and now she the next big thing let us present Evie maynard!" The woman and I smiled

"Well! Where do I begin!" She says I laughed

"You are the daughter to Conor Maynard right? So how did that come about?" She asked

"Well yeah, I kinda just was an normal kid in an orphanage and he happened to be there and I knew him but didn't realise he was adopting and he took me to his house where he was living with two other boys witch was my uncle jack maynard and his friend josh pieters who there both also youtubers and yeah" I say

"Well what's it like having a dad who got millions and millions of followers and an uncle who has millions of followers and closest friends who do to like what's it like for you" she asked

"Well it's really cool because there so supportive and I was worried they wasn't gonna like accept me but they did witch was really cool and having an uncle like jack and having friends who are youtubers is good as well like being featured in videos and such but it isn't all about that off camera there super sweet and all of them will take care of me and if I'm sad they cheer me up and give me advice so it's good" I said

"Awh well is there a YouTuber you've met and was like shocked by?"

"Well not like shocked but obviously I was exited to meet Conor and the rest but a couple that's helped me is Alfie and Zoe because I did go through a dark time and they kinda made me find myself again" I said

"Was that when your dad came back...because they was an article about it" she said I paused and looked at Conor and he nodded to say it

"Yeah kinda...but I don't wanna get into it" I laughed awkwardly the bad memories was brought up but I was fine

"Okay well what's Conor like around you then? And jack as well?" She said

"Well jack is so funny and glad I have him around Because he like my guardian if Conor not around and Conor well I'm thankful for everything he does for me he would do anything to make me happy and he just the nicest person ever and the best dad anyone could ask for" I said

"Last thing If you had to give Conor a message what would it be?"she asked

"Conor please never ever change your the best thing that's ever happened to me I love you dad" I say and smiled and she closed the interview and I was done I went back into the dressing room to meet back with Conor

"Well done you!" He says hugging me

"Thank you" I say he kissed my forehead and we went home

This took me ages to write I dunno why so I hope you liked it! It's a bit boring I think but tell me what you think in the comments and also vote to show the love and I'd see you soon-Evie xox

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