Conor maynard vs Evie's birth dad

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Jack POV
Sat in hospital place with just me Caspar and fucking Evie's birth dad I mean Why is even here he has to go to court in a hour and a half I mean I pushed Evie yes but she would pick me over her dad anytime and any day

"I have to fucking be somewhere but if it wasn't for a little prick for pushing my angel of a daughter over and poorly hitting her head I wouldn't be here!"he said Caspar was sat in the middles we couldn't fight or hurt each other

"Angel!? Poorly hitting her head!? Your the evil one mainly you tied my brother to a chair and raped you daughter I admit what I did was bad but not as bad as what you have done!"I snapped back

"Do you want to be in a hospital bed?"He asked me

"Do you want to be put in a grave"I said

"Okay you two stop! Your not 4 yr olds your 23 yrs old and......"Caspar said looking at Paul

"39 yrs old"he coughed

"39 then it-"Caspar got cut off by the doctor

"Evie Maynard visitors?"He asked

"She isn't Maynard she-" Caspar cut Paul off

"That doesn't matter"he said and we listen to the doctor

"Seems she can be out in half an hour but lost her memory unfortunately it will come back in the next couple of days but all she remembers is that someone pushed her and she hit her head"the doctor said and I saw evie walking with a nurse the doctor turned round

"Ah She there I'll leave you to it and come back if she doesn't have her memory's in the next week or so"the doctor said

"Who are you 3?"she asked I looked at Paul he smirked

"I'm your dad"he said crouching down I knew what he was plotting I crouched down and she looked at me

"No! He your birth dad he was mean and cruel to you you got adopted by my brother I'm your uncle...jack"I sighed

"Evie do you know your last name?"Caspar asked she looked up at him and took a while to think

"My names Evie?"she questioned herself we knew we was hopeless

"Who do you believe that he your dad or I'm your uncle and your dad is my brother"I asked she looked confused

"No that man is a bad man he hurt you remember"Paul said she looked at me

"Bad man!"she pointed at me my hart shattered I look at Caspar and he was hopeless

"No! Do you know who this is"I say pulling up a picture of me and conor and pointing at Conor

"That's your brother?"she asked I nodded a d she took a long look at it she had a light not showable smile on her face for a second

"Badman Evie He is Also a badman"Evie's birth dad Paul said

"Stop your gonna make her confused"Caspar tried to say

"Badman? I dunno"she said

I sighed

Conor POV
In court Evie's birth dad just got here and sat on the other side it was now 12:30 in the afternoon and it had to begin any moment now and I look to see jack and the other boys but no sign of Caspar or Evie I look at him confused and she shook is head as in something happened I look away and it had began

"On this day it will become if Conor goes to jail or is free to go by what I see today and for Paul to see if he goes to jail or doesn't by what I see today this may end with both of you in jail or both of you out of jail for whatever you say in this room form now on"the judge said

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