Chapter Twenty one

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Haruka's P.O.V

Yuzuha Hitachiin, what are you planning?

She was still giving me this odd look I just couldn't read, which concerned me.

I decided to ignore it, play it cool for Hikaru and Kaoru.

They walked me up to my room, and we said goodnight before they went to their own room.

I laid down on my bed. Everything in my room was exactly as it was when I left, which I found slightly odd.

It was as if someone was expecting me to have returned.

I was exhausted from the days events, so I flopped down onto the bed, falling asleep almost on the spot.


I woke up in a dark room, I couldn't see a thing.

What the...? Where am I?

I wondered.

As my eyes adjusted slightly, I could see I was in a cell.

How did I get here?

I stood up, checking for chains.

To my surprise, there weren't any. I carefully stepped to the gate of my cell, and just as I did, I heard a voice.

"Ah good, you're awake." They said, and a light flashed before my eyes.

It was a torch, lighting up the hallway to the cell I was in so that I could see clearly.

I wish it hadn't.

There, standing with absolutely perfect posture, was my mother.

I looked to the right of her, horrified.

My two brothers were pinned to the wall by large nails through their hands and feet.

They were in obvious pain, extreme pain.

I cried out to them, reaching a hand through the bars.

I knew I couldn't reach them, so I snapped my gaze to Yuzuha, furious embers illuminating my glare.

"You bitch!" I cursed at her. If looks could kill, she would be dead ten times over in the most extreme, brutal ways possible.

I was that furious.

"Oh, shut it." She said, unfazed.

"My dears, I'm sorry to do this to you, but I must. I need your help punishing your sister. Will you help mommy?"

They didn't answer, only groaned in pain.

I ached to save them, but I didn't know what to do.

The bars were titanium, too strong for even me to break.

"Now, let's see... Haruka, would you like to watch me torture your brothers to death?"

I shouted my obvious no at her.

"Well, that's too bad. Cause you're gonna see it anyway!"

She laughed.

All I could do was watch. She had torture tools laid out on a table, and dread filled my body as she selected one.

"Let them go, you monster!" I screeched.

I felt my legs weaken.

"Please! You can do whatever you want to me, but leave them out of it! They didn't do anything, it was all me!" I begged.

I could hardly watch as she breaking bones, pulling fingernails, stabbing and even removing organs, I gagged, doubling over.

"Hmm... I'll make you a deal. Say you're sorry one thousand times and I'll let them go."

She said, but she didn't stop. She wanted to me say it one thousand times, I knew I'd never be able to do that before they died, but I screamed it anyway.

I wanted to save them so badly, because they were my brothers. I loved them with everything I had.

I could never abandon them, even at the cost of my life, of my suffering.

Because I love them.

It echoed in my mind. I spoke faster and faster.

But then, I stopped.

Kaoru moaned, looking up at me. His face was scarred, and he was missing an eye, which horrified me.

Yet, he spoke.

His words shook me to the core.

"Haruka. This is your fault. You did this to us. You have no right to say you're sorry. It won't save us, and you know it. This is all your fault."

His voice was weak and raspy, but the look of shock, pain and fear embedded itself onto my face, tear stains running down with fresh ones every second.

"Kaoru... I-"

"No Haruka. He's right. This is your fault."

Hikaru cut me off, his head still hanging down to the floor.

"Well, time's up. Let's let them rest, what do you say, Haruka?"

I shook my head wildly, knowing she was implying their death.

"Don't do it, please!"

I pleaded, falling onto my knees, still grasping the bars.

"This is your fault." She said, this time, the words echoed in the air in an almost demonic fashion.

"This is your fault." She said, this time, the words echoed in the air in an almost demonic fashion.

Like someone was speaking them back to me, taunting me, tormenting me.

Yuzuha picked up a large knife from her tool table, slowly walking over to them, the words I began to dread still echoing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

I said it again and again, but it was never enough.

The echoing stopped and was replaced by a single whisper.

"It's your fault."

Just as it said that, Yuzuha stabbed the two in the chest, and I screamed louder than I've ever screamed before.


"Haruka, Haruka!" My eyes snapped open, and I heard screaming.

My own bloodcurdling scream.

I looked up, and I saw Hikaru and Kaoru trying to approach me.

I could feel the tears running down my face, and I stopped screaming as I realized what had happened.

It was just a dream.
"Haruka, what happened?"

Kaoru asked, and I paused for a moment, then burst into tears.

Hikaru and Kaoru sat on either side of my bed, hugging me.

"Haruka, it's okay, you're okay. Everything is okay."

Hikaru said.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

Written by the amazing Luna_Ackerman10 check out more of her amazing works and don't forget to follow her if you like this content!

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