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???: "Hey are you awake?"

I waved my hand at the little thing scanning my face. It got closer to my face and I smacked it out of the air.

???: "Owww"

Looking at my hands I realized that my hands were not both human hands but, instead one was robotic. I was a human. With black hair with blue tips. My eyes a bright orange. I started to get up, doing so I smacked my head into the car roof. Wait, why am I in a car? I looked at my reflection a fair part of my face was scarred over. I rubbed my hand on it why am I here what and what am I supposed be doing here?

???: "Um... You good Guardian?"

I opened my mouth to say something but something was messed up with my voice. I tapped it to indicate my problem to the little thing.

???: "Right. Anyway I'm a Ghost I was sent here by the traveler to bring you back"

I tilted my head in confusion.

Ghost: "Well you see you've been dead for about, 2 centuries."

I widened my eyes in shock. I got to my feet and pointed at a weird spider like creature who screeched at me. I grabbed the little light and ran into the dam behind us. I slammed the door shut before I heard a loud thump and a dent appeared in the door. I looked at the little light and punched it.

Ghost: "What was that for?"

I gestured at the door. The little light just shook itself back up and lit up the room we were in. I grabbed a rifle that was laying against a wall. I pushed the mag and took aim slowly walking across a catwalk. A few fell on the cat walk directly in front of me. Something launched up and exploded in my face, blindly shooting I heard sounds of death.

Ghost: "Good shooting"

I smiled and gave the little light a thumbs up. I looked at a chest sitting by the stairs I retched it open and grabbed the shotgun.

Ghost: "Try throwing a grenade!"

I pulled out of my light and threw a projectile as a few enemies landed on it. After it exploded I heard horrible sounds of agonizing death.

I threw myself around the corner and witnessed horrors so gruesome that I shuddered out of fear. The little enemies called dregs got stabbed in the chest, by a much larger much more inky creature. The dregs fell to the floor and began to scream, as it wriggled there I saw the dark mass spread on it's stomach. After a minute of silence it got back up and joined ranks with the creature it was converted by.

I sent my little light to look around and tell me when they left.

Ghost: "Ok I'm done they're all gone I'm headed back to you now. Please don't be like Cayde and do something stupid"

Cayde? He sounds fun. I crawled to the puddle that that was left. As I looked into it it swirled before launching at me. I fell backwards and only a quarter of the spewed darkness landed on my face. I felt it slide down my throat and into my stomach area. It burned into my eye and jaw. I stood only to fall off the siding off the edge and land very painfully on my back. My gun luckily only a few feet away.

Ghost: "Guardian? Where are you?"

I pulled up my gun and shot up. The light filled drone came over to me and scanned me. He opened up and showed me my skeleton.

Ghost: "I am having a hard time seeing certain parts of you let me put some light on it"

He lit up and immediately flew back.

Ghost: "Umm guardian you have something wrong, like really wrong"

I gave him a no dip face. I stood back up and with great difficulty walked to the stairs before I got up them. My ghost slowly following after me sometimes catching me every time I fell back. I heard sounds of gunfire not the quiet alien fallen but loud human gunfire. I started to run after the sounds falling in a dip in the floor. My ghost helped me out before I saw another guardian shooting a very big fallen soldier before getting smashed to the ground. I hurriedly crouched down and unloaded my gun into its head right before it stomped on the now prone body. Its head exploded into ether before falling over.

Ghost: "Hey look! Just What we where looking for, a ship!"

I dragged the prone body before my ghost warped us in.

(Relax I'll give him a name later with a voice)

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