Part 1

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(little warning. This was written before Kim got a personality so I assumed he was a Jerk and sort of a creeper.)

I walked into the school building with Alya at my side. She happily enthused about the new likes the Ladyblog was getting. She shared interesting theories about who ladybug and the rest of the team is. It was ironic to hear her talk about herself pretending not to know, unaware I know her identity already.

Simultaneously our attention was brought to the sound of yelling. "This has to stop, I am sick of it!" Instantly My eyes found Adrien who was confronting Kim.

A week ago Nino started a joke to ship Adrien and I. He was aware of my feelings and didn't expect the others to take it so far. At first, I didn't mind. I hopped that Adrien would be pushed to ask me out and on the date, and then instead of thinking of me as a friend he would start to like me back. However, Adrien wasn't a fan of "Adrienette". Kim, the biggest supporter, relentlessly teased him about it.

I don't know what could have happened between today and yesterday that made Adrien so mad about it.

"Awe, C'mon man It's just a joke, chill out," Kim said half chuckling in his normal disrespectful attitude.

"Sure it was a joke. But it is not anymore. You can't change photos like that and not expect me to get mad. This is so not Okay!" Adrien scolded in the most threatening voice I have heard from him. It looks strange on him, he is usually soft and kind. What got into him? His face reminded me a Chat Noir. When I get hurt he sometimes gets all defensive like this.

"Come on-, they're just a joke. I bet you like them! Just like Marinette!" Kim replied incredibly snarkily.

I could see it in his body language. Adrien snapped. He looked unrecognizable.

He didn't look like the same person. It was still familiar but no one could call him the same person. "I don't like Marinette in any way, will you stop with the shipping it will never happen!" Adrien said through gritted teeth. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. The eyes of my classmates shift from the fight to me.

"Dude," Nino, who was directly beside him, tried to warn, "Marinette is right-"

"Nino!" Adrien silenced, without even a glance at his friend. He glared at Kim who glanced over and looked at me.

My heart dropped along with the Backpack I was holding. My throat tightened like I was trying to swallow a spikey golf ball. Hot tears formed in my eyes instantly.

Adrien looked over at me as well alarmed by the noise of my backpack hitting the ground. It seemed to boom across the room. The noise ran in my ear.

I don't want to cry- not in front of Adrien. I started laughing very awkwardly and choking the sadness from my throat. Hot tears slid down my cheek. He said it out of anger, I told myself silently but... Does he really hate me? Have I been too dense to notice?

"Mari, are you okay?" Alya gently touched my arm. I snapped out of whatever sad laughing trance I was in and ran.

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