Part 6

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Adrien messed up.

The comment about their patrol schedule Marinette made was suspicious enough it made Chat Noir curious. "There is no way Marinette is Ladybug" he said aloud after polling away a bit. When he was far enough he stopped and turned around.
He watched for a few minuets stewing in the idea. Finally, as clear as a cat could see at night, the unmistakable flash of the Ladybug miraculous. Then, seconds later Ladybug jumped off of Marinettes roof.

He messed up bad. Not only did he totally hurt Marinette and make her cry but she is Ladybug, (spoilers) the love of his life. How could he not see it before, they are exactly the same.

After she turned into Ladybug and swung away Chat Noir just watched in Awe how could he do that to her. It makes sense that she is Ladybug, Marinette in nice and sweet but so is Ladybug although Ladybug is more serious and confident Marinette can't act that way because of her shyness but she wears a mask. She is able to act how she really feels just like his own flirtatious anime-inspired attitude.

Chat stood still for a moment then started walking. He started jogging. He started sprinting, jumping, swinging whatever he needed to find her. Eventually he found a blur of red swinging around and he followed it, then crashed into it.

"Augh, Chat what the? Are you okay?" Ladybug pushed him off and sat up, after they both rolled onto a roof. Ladybug almost got the wind knocked out of her from his reckless jump.

"Y-y-you're M-m" Chat Noir could hardly get out his words, although he never stuttered in front of her and was bold and confident as he tried to be he didn't have the breath to breathe. Ladybug looked beautiful in the moon light, her eyes glistened and looked clear since she had stopped crying. Her Blue hair that was somehow natural looked silky smooth and clear like the night sky. The way her eyebrows knit together in concern for the cat and smirked at how ridiculous Chat was made his heart flutter. "y-you're Marinette."

Now Ladybug really got the breath knocked out of her. He figured it out, how embarrassing he watched me cry over Adrien, poor Chat. He is probably very disappointed in me.

Chat smiled. He was ecstatic, "How could I have not seen this before! I'm so so sooo dense! your cute pigtails, your Midnight hair, bluebell eyes, flawless skin!" Chat continued mumbling going on about how friggen dense he is.

Ladybug finally got over the shock. Chat kept complimenting her and freaking out, "... kind, and amazing personality..."

"Woa woa C-chat calm down." She felt overwhelmed with emotions and started laughing with him and also crying. Chat is acting exactly how she wished that Adrien would act.

Chat hugged her as she asked him, "Y-you really think of me like that?" She wanted to be angry at him for watching her but she couldn't.

Chat let go of Ladybug and looked at her in the eyes, "Of course I do" a smile twitched on her face as his face got closer and closer to hers. She shut her eyes and waited, was this her first real kiss? With Chat? She didn't know how to react, Should she push him away? Is she ready for a kiss? She felt lips touch her but not on her lips where she thought they would land. On the top of her forehead she felt her skin buzz and her face went hot.

"I-i have to finish patrol" Ladybug looked at the floor to hide how bright red her face was, Chat smoothly slipped his hand into hers.

"Then I'll join you." He twirled her around in a  ballerina-like movement and walked with her around Paris, hand-in-hand. This was simply the most perfect moment of his life.

Nothing could go wrong.

(The evil writing gods smile down at this sweet moment in the story.)

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