Amnesia » luke hemmings au

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3 months. He's been in a coma for three months, they spoke that he wouldn't have a chance of pulling out of it. They said that there was a definite chance that he could die, or possibly make it out not remembering anything.

She tried to block out what they believed. They were only stupid doctors, they screwed up most of the time didn't they? 

Evelyn never left his side, she was there through it all. Sometimes she would have to leave but that was only when she'd be dragged away by someone. Liz hated seeing her so torn over watching her pale, unconscious fiance but Evelyn wouldn't leave until she had proper reassurance that he was fine.

Today, she begged to those up above for her fiance to give them a sign that he would be alright. She was in tears, Evelyn couldn't lose him. They had been through so much and they couldn't lose each other, not now-- not ever. They had forever-- he promised!

Her dark green eyes pooled with more tears as she heard the doctors talk about his condition, they had spent those months trying to convince Evelyn that he wasn't going to make it. They tried to take away the little hope she had for him, but she wasn't going to believe them, not yet.

The hand she was clinging onto with dear life gave her hand a gentle squeeze, her eyes widened and she stared down at the body. Evelyn was just hoping his eyes would open and she'd be able to look down at the beautiful blue eyes that she absolutely adored.

"Luke.. Please." She begged for what felt like the millionth time, each day she'd either think that she had felt something moan in pain or squeeze her hand but today, it felt like it actually happened.. He really did squeeze her hand and now she needed him to wake up. She had to prove to the doctors that he'd wake up a hundred percent healthy and normal.

He wouldn't have a loss of memory, he would know everything that had happened. Only I could beg for such things, but I knew the likely hood of it possibly coming true.

"Luke.." Evelyn said again softly and she saw his chapped lips move slowly as a groan left them. Her green eyes widened, this was all real. It wasn't things her brain was making up in hopes that he'd be okay. He really is doing something.

"Luke, if you can hear me squeeze my hand." This gave her all the hope she had so desperately needed. His hand squeezed hers gently and her eyes widened once again. "Baby, try to open your eyes.." 

Another groan left his lips but soon his eyes were open and squinted due to the amount of light in the room. His eyebrows soon furrowed when he saw Evelyn. "Wait, who the hell are you?" He asked, his eyebrow raising as he scanned the mysterious girl down.

She felt her heart drop as did all of her hopes of him being perfectly fine and healthy, the doctors were right. If he did pull through, he would have memory loss.

She had felt the tears slide down her face again. "I'm your fiance, Evelyn." A chuckle left his lips. "I'm only sixteen, I can't possibly have a fiance at that age, why are you lying to me?" He asked and her heart broke.

"Luke, you're not sixteen anymore.. You're twenty one." She paused shortly between telling him his actual age and he shook his head. "No, I'm sixteen.. Now, where am I?" He asked and tried getting up but moaned out in pain and she instantly shot up to help him.

Evelyn sighed softly and looked at him. "We're in a hospital down in England, where we live and also your band." She began to explain to him. "Why the hell would we be in England, we're not even that big! We only make YouTube covers." This confirmed to her that he could only remember those times, but why couldn't he remember her? The did begin dating at the age of sixteen.

With another sigh she looked at him. "Luke, love listen. You're not sixteen, you forgot the last five years of your life so let me summarize. You guys managed to tour with One Direction, that tour went phenomenally you guys got so big, you eventually released an ep and some other music, did a couple of your own tours and again toured with One Direction. You guys are really big Luke.."

Amnesia » luke hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now