Amnesia » 6

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listen to Jasey Rae by All Time Low ty enjoy

Evelyn had a rough night, she was woken up due to her nightmare. A light coat of sweat covered her forehead and she was panting. Nightmares wasn't uncommon to her and she'd usually have Luke help her through it but she didn't have that option, or did she? 

Evelyn stood up and wrapped her blanket over herself and walked to Luke's bed and she slowly nudged him. He slowly stirred and looked at her. "Evelyn?" He questioned the shaking girl in front of him and she simply nodded. "Please cuddle with me, I just had a nightmare." She begged, a few tears sliding down her face. This nightmare to her was a lot worse then any of the others she had to endure.

She had a dream that flashed back to Luke's accident, she dreampt about him never fully remembering her and that terrified her but what terrified her more was the possibility of him falling for someone else, someone better and that's basically a summary of her nightmare. One, Luke's accident and the nights she spent beside his hospital bed. Two, the fact he'd never remember her that basically tore her apart. Three and lastly, him falling in love with someone else and to her that someone else had to be Andrea.

No matter how much self control you had, it's so hard to reject Andrea. Evelyn had spent her high school years observing Andrea and how she could maneuver between all the guys. They were always so mesmerized by her and that's what Evelyn envied.

The way Evelyn would describe herself was sickening, she would belittle herself-- she would talk about herself in utter disgust. Back when Luke had all sense of everything, he'd always make sure she knew she was beautiful and him doing that did help her but seeing as it's been so long, she was crawling into her insecure shell and she wanted to stay there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luke asked soothingly, his arms were wrapped around her tightly as if she could disappear from him at any moment. "I don't really want to talk about it." She was afraid-- afraid of being judged, afraid that he'd laugh at her for being terrified of him falling for someone else or never remembering her again.

So, she didn't tell him and this killed curious Luke inside. He wanted to know why the beautiful girl in his arms was so upset. He liked her and his heart felt a lot more towards her, but he couldn't get feel it. "You can always tell me, you know that.."

Evelyn simply nodded and held his hand, which caused a small smile to appear on Luke's face. "I know.." She sighed softly and moved, her head now snuggled into his chest.

Luke sighed softly and just held her in silence and eventually both of their breathing became even and both of their eyes were shut and finally the both of them had a decent sleep.

They were both rudely awoken by banging against their door. "Go answer it.." Evelyn said in a whisper and hurriedly raced to the guest room, this made Luke feel bad. He wanted her to continue resting with him and he did want her to sleep in the same bed as him but he wasn't exactly sure if he was ready for that.

After several minutes of thinking and the collecting of his clothes he ended up going to the door and mentally groaning. "Hey, Luke!" Andrea chirped, a huge grin on her flawless face.

"Oh, hey.." Luke spoke awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. Evelyn slowly made her way to the main room and tried to ignore that she was getting glared at by Andrea. "We have a coffee date, remember Luke?" Luke almost hit himself when he heard that and he simply nodded. A part of Evelyn's heart broke and she simply sucked in a breath and tried to count in her head. "Hey, Eve.. I'm going out, okay?" 

She simply nodded and ignored the fact he called her by her nickname. "That's fine." Her voice was barely above a whisper, anything more and it would definitely crack and tears would of began. "Okay." He  wanted her to tell him he wasn't able to, he wanted her to make some false plans so he didn't have to go. He wanted her to say something and when she said nothing, he felt a part of himself give up. 

Luke tried to shrug it off as he walked to her and pecked her cheek gently. "I'll see you later, okay?" This made her heart flutter and she smiled weakly and nodded. "I'll see you later Luke." 

He was back home within and hour and she looked at him. "How was your date.." Luke watched her crigne when she muttered the word "date" but he tried not to be phased by it because to him, it wasn't a date. "It wasn't a date." He corrected her and she shrugged. "Don't lie..." She said slowly and looked at him. "I've had enough to deal with."

"I'm not lying, Evelyn. Understand this, I don't like her, sure she's pretty and all but I don't have any feelings for her." He began to tell her and Evelyn let it slip through her ears, he was telling the truth but she couldn't believe him. She was so set that her first love was going to break her heart, but really it was her breaking her own heart with all these false assumptions.

"I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire." She whispered and he looked at her, his eyebrows furrowing. He didn't know how to decipher what she said but she knew, and eventually he would too.

"What are you talking about?" He asked and she just overlooked him, this made Luke furious. "Don't you want me to remember you!" He shouted at her this had caused her to flinch and Luke instantly tried to lower his tone. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "But, you do need to understand my side." 

"Don't make this easy, I want you to mean it." 

theres a new cover btw made by me and ya bye hope u liked it, this was my favourite chapter so far.

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