Amnesia » 3

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That night was probably one of the roughest. Luke went to bed in what was normally, their bed and he slept alone for the first time ever since they had began living together. Even while he was on to the hospital bed, she'd find a way to cuddle with him on that bed.

She didn't sleep as well as Luke did. She had twisted and turned, she didn't like sleeping alone-- especially in that uncomfortable guest bed. She missed their bed, she missed his long and lanky arms around her. She missed the feeling of his arms around her, she missed his lips against hers and she just missed the normal Luke.

These thoughts are the ones that occupied her mind and kept her awake the whole night. She knew he'd never be the same and she knew she wouldn't be fit to handle it, but there was no way that she'd leave him. She couldn't leave the guy she loved not even in this state that they were in, she cared for him and she also made a promise to him and that was something she'd never break. Promises to her meant everything, she kept them and she hoped others would as well.

Evelyn was up the whole night so when the sun began to peak through her windows, she got up and got ready for a long day. She began to make some tea for the both of them and a breakfast that could satisfy them until lunch where she was hoping to take him out to a spot that could hopefully spark up his memory on their relationship. Then afterwards, they could go out for lunch. She already had the day planned and she only hoped that it would work out the way she had it all set up.

"Luke, love.." She tried to wake him up soothingly and he simply groaned and rolled over, this caused her to giggle to herself because it was something he usually did. Evelyn sat down on his bed and rubbed his back gently like she used to do and he just moaned softly. "I don't want to get up.." He said and hid his face in the pillow.

"Why not?" She asked and she noticed the light pink on his cheeks. "There's a problem that boys get during the morning.." Evelyn's eyes widened and she blushed when she understood what he meant.. "Uh, yeah okay.. There's a shower there, you can go organize yourself.." She said and walked out of his room.

Once she had left, Luke quickly accepted the offer of a shower and he quickly organized himself. Soon, he met her in the kitchen where they both ate their breakfast in silence. 

"So, I was thinking of taking you out and bringing you to places we usually go to." She proposed and he nodded, he fancied the idea. "Sounds good." He said and smiled at her and she nodded and collected their empty plates and placed them in the sink. "Hey, let me wash them?" He said, standing up and pushing her aside gently so he could wash them.

Evelyn sighed softly and nodded then excused herself, walking to their bedroom she began to work on their hair and makeup then met up with him. 

After a short drive of silence, she managed to pull up to the park. Luke smiled at the park, it seemed oddly familar to him. "Whats a memory I should know about this park?" Evelyn smiled looking back at some of the memories they had. "Well, when I was upset we'd walk here and you'd hold my hand and let me vent to you." She smiles.

"My favourite memory is that we tend to come here at night, you and I would take a blanket and we'd lay on it and just look at all the stars." She thought back on that memory and she really missed doing that. "Yeah.. I think I'm remembering something." He smiled at her, he wasn't lying he could remember a few times that they'd go and he'd hold her and just watch the star filled sky.

"Wouldn't I hold you and mutter something incredibly cheesy in your ear?" He asked and she giggled at his comment and nodded. "Yeah, you'd always tell me how their beauty couldn't compare to mine.." He chuckled. "Well, I agree with myself." He told her, leaning closer to her. "You're extremely beautiful." He told her, his hand resting on her cheek and she blushed and looked up at him.

"I really can't wait till I remember everything." He said and she nodded and with that, he placed his lips against hers. He felt everything, he had this feeling as their lips moved together in sync. "You're so amazing, Evelyn.. I know why I fell for you." He said and kissed her lips sweetly once again. 

This time he was given back the memory of when they had their first kiss. Their first kiss happened on their second date and he was incredibly glad that she was the one to lean in first. His major desire that whole night was to kiss her and he had no clue how to. He had no experience with any of it besides the point, when they kissed he felt those metaphorical sparks at that particular point he knew he wanted to be with her. He knew that she'd be the only one he wanted to be with, which was correct.

They pulled away breathlessly, the kiss got quite heated but they both wouldn't of gone that far. "So, are we gonna have a picnic?" He asked with a chuckle and she also joined in with laughing. "I wish, but no. We're gonna just walk around and talk." She smiled, he simply nodded. He actually enjoyed listening to her voice, he found her voice beautiful and soothing

"Yeah, so.. What should we talk about first?" She asked him, walking beside him on the little path that would lead walkers or runners around the whole park. "We should talk about high school years, like did I finish?" He asked and she smiled and nodded. "Yeah actually, you did.. They guys and you were on the road during that process but you did finish it. We're all really proud of you for doing it." She smiled and he beamed to himself.

"What else happened?" He asked her and she shrugged. "Well, a lot of things happened.. Only a month or so after we became an official couple you guys ended up touring with one direction for the first time." Luke was still surprised how his band which had a fairly big fandom managed to achieve something as great as touring with a world famous boyband. "I'm still shocked that we toured with them!" Evelyn laughed softly and nodded. "You guys toured a couple of times.. Those were really great times.."

Amnesia » luke hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now