Amnesia » 7

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listen to The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New, enjoy. 

The fight ended up with Evelyn running to the guest bedroom with warm tears streaming down her face. Luke absolutely hated seeing her like that and he wasn't too sure why she was reacting this way. If only he could understand they way her brain processed things. Evelyn was caught up in her thoughts, she believed thoroughly that her lover was going to leave her.

Luke got no sleep, he had stayed up that night thinking about everything; trying to remember her, their memories, how it felt to have her lips against his. This sparked inspiration in Luke, he had noticed a bunch of guitars and other musical equipment and he decided to put that inspiration into writing a song. At first he felt like screaming at himself, he didn't remember anything but it all flooded back to him when he noticed music books laying around.

He flipped through some of them and things got clear-- most things anyway. "Her favourite song is that one by Brand New.." He hummed softly, he knew a few of her favourite songs but why can't he remember everything about her? Sighing, he slowly played a few chords and lyrics flew from his lips. "You are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins."  Luke sung, he was astonished that he could remember the lyrics to one of her favourite songs. 

He continued to sing, messing up a few times and restarting. He was unaware that a certain girl was watching him from the door frame, he got so lost in the song that he was completely oblivious to his surroundings. A tear slid down Evelyn's cheek as she watched him, he was playing one of her favourite songs. One of the songs she'd have on repeat on sad days, this was one of the songs that would instantly give Luke the motive to make her happy.

The fact that he was playing it at the moment made more tears fall, not because she was angry, or upset. She was glad that a few more memories were coming back to him, but she was still hurt over the fact that he could potentially fall for someone else.

"Why are you crying?" She heard his voice say softly. Evelyn couldn't reply, she simply shrugged it off and tried to assure him that it wasn't over their small fight. Luke placed his guitar to the ground and got up, his arms slowly wrapping around her and his head nuzzled into the crook of her neck. She instantly broke down into more tears, her head hidden in his chest as she cried. Luke decided not to question her, his hands rested on her lower back where he rubbed gentle circles against it. 

"I love you so much Luke." She said with some hope he'd say it back, but it tore her more when he didn't. "One day I'll be able to tell you it back." He said softly and played with the tips of her hair. "I'm certain that I did love you with everything in me." He smiled a small smile formed on her lips but it was awfully weak.

"For right now, I want us to repair our relationship and work on me remembering everything, Okay?" He told her and all she could do was nod. "Okay." A smile appeared on his lips and he placed his lips against her forehead gently.

Then he thought of something. "I don't want to be around Andrea, whenever she creates plans please ruin them.." Evelyn laughed softly and felt relieved that maybe she wouldn't lose him to Andrea. "Alright Luke, I'll try but..." She stuttered off thinking about how Andrea could act.

"I will protect you, if she tries anything know that I'm always there for you." He assured her and gave her a light squeeze and a pecked on the cheek. "Okay." She smiles softly and rested her head on his chest once again and listened to his heartbeat. 

"How did you remember that song?" She asked softly. "Do you remember when I'd play it?" She shot a few questions at him, but it wasn't anything that would fluster him. "I honestly don't know, I just strummed a few chords and they lyrics came instantly." Evelyn nodded at what he was saying and waited for him to reply to the next question. "I think you'd play it when you were depressed?" 

Evelyn smiled at him, seeing as he did get it right. "Yeah. I'd play it and it was kind of a sign to you. You'd instantly try to cheer me up." She smiles softly and drew little shapes on his chest while he held her. "Oh." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "What would make you happy right now?" He inquired, still feeling as though she was in that depressed state.

"I am happy, having you here holding me is all I need." She informed him with a light blush enhancing her cheeks. "Good," he spoke gently and rocked them slowly. 

Soon Evelyn ended up nodding off in Luke's arms and he lifted her up with ease and carried her to their bedroom. After he had her peacefully under the sheets, he climbed in and held her in his arms moments later the couple both were in a deep sleep, cuddled into each other.

Evelyn woke up the next morning, smiling down at Luke. He looked so peaceful sleeping, his beautiful blonde hair tousled and messed up, his lips slightly parted as he took in soft breaths his chest rising and falling with each breath. Blue eyes met her own and she blushed when Luke cracked a sly smile. "Morning," he said raspy and sat up on the bed. Evelyn felt her cheeks lit up as she came to the conclusion that he knew she was watching him while he slept.

Luke chuckled softly and placed his lips against her cheek. "I want you to sleep beside me from now on, I'm tired of sleeping alone." He said and slowly leaned into her. 

this chapter made me cry, because you definitely need to have the song on repeat while reading. ALSO WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN WOW

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