Chapter five

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[James Arthur, Say You Won't Let Go]

Enjoy. :)


"Gab, Ella, wake up. We're here." Literally, we're on the plane, and after a few hours of a long flight, we've finally landed in New York.

"Mommy, where are we?" Gabriella asks me with sleepy eyes while Gabriel yawns and tries to sleep again. Gosh, this is going to be hard because this is the first time three of us have ridden a plane together. "Gabby, please wake up. You can continue your sleep when we arrive at the hotel. Wake up." I wake him up, but he ends up crying, but not too loudly. That's a relief.

"Ummm, miss, I'm sorry, but you need to get off this plane." One of the stewardesses said this to me with a smile. "Okay, just give me a minute." I carried Gabriel and held Gabriella's hand with my free hand. It's okay, Alexa; you can handle this.


That's a good thing that three of us have already arrived at the hotel. My body feels hurt because I had to carry Gabriel, even in the taxi. He sure sleeps a lot, while Gabriella is always hungry. They still have different personalities, even though they're twins.

"Mommy, hungry." Gabriella pulled my dress. I look at her in disbelief.

"Gabriella, you just ate like 20 minutes ago," I said, and she began to whine. "Fine, fine. Mommy will call the room service." No matter what, she's my daughter. I won't let my children starve. I called the room service to send us some food, and not long after that, the food arrived. Gabriella jumped in happiness when she saw the food. I let them eat on their own because they don't want me to bribe them. One time I tried it, they ended up sulking.


It's 6:15, and I only have about another fifteen minutes before my driver picks us up and we go to the launch. Gosh, I'm so excited and nervous. I feel nervous because I am scared if this event doesn't go as planned or something bad happens in the middle of it.

I take a deep breath and think positively. "Everything's going to be just fine," I said to myself.

Right now, I already wear my dress for tonight, and for the last touch, I take off the earrings, and then I'm done. "Gabriel, Gabriella, come here," I called them.

"Mommy, I'm not a gift," Gabriel asked me while showing me his bow. I smiled at him because he is too cute when he frowns. Gabriel looks so cute in his little tuxedo. Just like his dad.

"But you look handsome when you wear this. So wear it?" I pinch his cheeks, and he nods at me. When I see Gabriel already done, I take a look at Gabriella, who has messy hair. "Ella, come here. I need to tie your hair up." She runs to me from the bed.

"Mommy, do my hair like a princess." She said that, and I nodded my head. I place her on the chair and start to do her hair. After a few minutes, her hair was finally done. I put her hair into a French braid. She looks so cute. I look at the time and then walk to grab my purse.

"Let's go, kids. We have to go now." I said to them, and they ran out of the room. Gosh, these kids love to run so much. I shake my head.


It only takes about 10 minutes to arrive at my new boutique. I walk inside to see all the preparation and the models who're going to enrich my designs. The smile creeps on my lips because, finally, my career is growing day by day. Tonight will be so busy.

I should bring Dolly along. Sadly, I just realised that I won't be able to look at my babies tonight. I don't want that incident to happen again. I look around to find the person I can trust to take care of my babies. I need to hurry or else these two kids will start running around again and make me lose control. "Gabriel, Gabriella, come with me. Let's go." I bring them to one of the rooms, and that room happens to be the office. Good. "Listen to me, please don't running around here. This place go; lots of peoplrunou both might be lost and I will be so sad if that happens. You want to see mommy crying again?" They shake their heads, and I hope they really can behave only for tonight. Just then, the door opens and shows my secretary. I called her a while ago and asked if she could take care of Gabriel and Gabriella, and I was super lucky when she said she could.

"I'm so sorry to burden you with taking care of my kids tonight. I should have brought their nanny along, but I didn't think of that before. How careless I am." I said to her, feeling quite guilty.

"It's fine, Ms. Johnson; I can take care of them. Besides, I used to take care of my niece, and I think I can manage this. Don't worry about them."

"I trust you in this, and don't worry, I will increase your pay this month. I owe you one. I think I need to go now." I said, and she nodded her head with a smile.

"Both of you, listen to her, alright? I will be back as soon as I can. I love you both and thank you again." I walked out of the office and greeted the people there before the show started. I walk to the backstage and see all the models getting ready for this.

"Okay, well, everyone!" I called all of them to gather around before the event started. "Well, I want all of you to do your best, and good luck to everyone." With that, all the models and staff dismiss themselves and get into position.

I look at the front to see the people already filling the seat, and that makes me feel so nervous as hell. When it's time, I walk out to make my entrance before the whole audience. I put a smile on my face and then started to give them the speech that I'd been practising since two days ago.

After that, the show begins. I am so exhausted because I had to walk here and there to make sure all the models were ready. "Where's the model that should wear this design?" I ask one of the models there, but she just shakes her head. I walk out of the makeup room and search for the model who is supposed to wear the next design.

I walk so fast until I hit something hard, and I guess that's someone because I can smell the cologne. "I'm sorry," I said without looking at his or her face because I'm too busy to find my model. With that, I walk away without even letting him or her say anything, but I think that's a man because of the smell. I think so.

After a few minutes, my problems were finally solved. I sit on one of the chairs there and take a big breath. I closed my eyes for a second. "I need to see the twins," I mumble to myself, and I get up to see how the twins are doing.

"Hey, kids," I said, and they ran to me. "Woah, why?" I ask them.

"We miss you, mommy. Where are you?" Gabriella said, pouting.

"I'm sorry, I was just so busy earlier, but now I'm not. Besides, the event has already come to an end, so we can go back to the hotel in a few minutes." I look at Gabriella, and then I look at Gabriel, who is already ready to fall asleep at any time.

"Thank you, Hera. I know they love to run around and are quite hard to control." I said.

"They are really easy to take care of, especially Gabriella. When she gets food, she just stays in one place and eats quietly. For Gabriel, he already sleeps for like 20 minutes, then wakes up crying, searching for you."

"I don't know how to thank you. I am so thankful, really; I mean it."

"It's not a big deal. It's getting late; I think you should bring them back to the hotel because they look tired." I look at both of my babies, and they look tired.

"Okay, I'll see you in LA then. Goodnight." With that, I carry Gabriel, who fell asleep on the couch, and hold Gabriella's hand.

The event took about five hours, and it's 12:03 at midnight. Well, the event was successful. I'm so happy because of that. So, I don't mind that my body is already tired because it was worth it.


As soon as we arrive at the hotel, I put Gabriel on the bed and let him sleep, and for Gabriella, I change her clothes and wash her face before going to bed. After I take a shower, I change Gabriel's clothes and then lay on the bed with them. I look at Gabriella, who is already sleeping without any crying or whining. They must be exhausted from the event. I kiss their foreheads, then go to sleep.


How's chapter 5?





Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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