Chapter twenty two

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[Taylor Swift: Gorgeous]


Since that incident, I have become more alert with Gabriel and Gabriella's food because I don't want them to get into the hospital again, especially Gabriella. It's a good thing that she's already recovered and has become a hyper girl again. She got discharged from the hospital yesterday, and Gabriel was the happiest person when he knew her twin sister was going to be discharged from the hospital. I didn't even tell Elijah about this at all because I didn't want him to get worried and be unable to do his work. Besides, me and him haven't communicated since I got home from his parent's house. Maybe he's too busy or some woman. I actually wanted to tell him regarding this matter, but since everything is fine now, there's no need.

Right now, I'm in the house and feel too lazy to go to work. So, I just used my boss's power and told Hera to cancel all my meetings and appointments for today because I don't feel well. Well, that's a logical reason. I just laid on my bed and didn't want to get up yet. Last night, three of us just celebrated Gabriella's release from the hospital by watching movies, and all of us slept really late. I bet Gab and Ella are still fast asleep, so I have time to pamper myself in bed. I just rolled my body with a blanket, and suddenly my phone rang. I groan and take my phone beside me. I just swiped to answer; I didn't care who it was.

"Alexa!" I pull the phone away from my ear, and I already know who it is. It's my one and only best friend, Thea.

"Gosh, woman. You're going to make me deaf at an early age." I said it and heard her laugh.

"Oops, sorry, bestie, but I'm really happy because..." She didn't continue her sentence, and that makes me really curious about what she's going to say.

"Tell me! What it is Don't make me curious like this." I said.

"I'm in Los Angeles!!!" Again, I have to put the phone away from my ear. But when I realised what she said, a smile appeared on my lips, and I quickly sat up.

"Seriously? Oh my god! I miss you so much." She just laughed.

"Well, I miss you too, my bestie. And I think I'm going to die out here because it's cold." She said.

"What do you mean? Out there? Out where? Wait, don't say... I jump from my bed and run downstairs to go to the door. When I open the door, I see Thea standing while holding her phone at her ear. There's also luggage besides her.

"Alexa!!!" She hugs me really tight. "I miss you so so so so so so muchhhhhh." She said, Kiss my cheek.

Okay, don't be so dramatic. Let's go in." She drags her luggage and puts it near the stairs. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to LA? I can go and fetch you at the airport." I said.

"If I tell you, it's not going to be a surprise then. By the way, I'm going to stay here for three days."

Awhhh, that's so short. Why can't you stay a little bit longer? Three days is not enough." I whine at her and sit on the couch.

"My boss can only give me three days leave; I can't do anything about that. Whatever so, how are you, my one and only best friend?" She asks me.

"You know, a lot of things happened in just a few months," I explain.

Oh, what is it? Tell me everything." She asks eagerly.

"Well..... Actually, I and Elijah spent a few days in Italy together, but we didn't stay in one room, of course. We both went to New York and met his family. I also let Gabriel and Gabriella stay in New York for one week while I was in Italy." I said that in a careful tone. I look at her, and she just stays quiet. "Thea, did you hear me?" I ask, and she looks at me.

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