Chapter eight

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[Dua Lipa: New Rules]

Feel free to point out any errors in this chapter, and I'll fix them.


It's been two days since I met Elijah, and I am really thankful that he's not following me again. I don't want him to know where I am living and where my office is, or else I won't be able to do any of my work. I know if he knows my office here in LA, he will come and coax me to be with him again, which is not going to happen at all. Suddenly, my phone rang. I take it and look at the caller, then immediately pick it up.

"Hey, gal! How are you? I miss you so so so much. Oh, how about hew and niece?" I smile when I hear her voice. She sounds so happy and I am glad she already make herself comfortable there. I know it's nohappy,y to make anothshe hascountry lmadeyour own country because you need to know the culture and follow how people live there. It's not as easy as you thought.

"Hey, Thea. Gosh, it's been like a month since you last called me. I'm doing well here but a bit disappointed because you didn't come to my launch. And yeah, the twins are doing good and getting so naughty now." I reply.

"Awhhhh, Lexa, I'm so sorry. My boss can't let me take my leave because there's a new project coming up and I need to make the design. My boss is super picky, and I think if this were not my dream job, I would totally resign from this company and just work together with you in LA." She said that, and I bet she makes her annoying face even though I can't see it. I know how she's like when she says she hates someone; her face is super ugly.

"It's fine then. Next time you take a leave for a few days, we can hang out together. By the way, don't hate your boss, or else you will be fired, because I know you, Thea, when you say you hate someone, you will say whatever you want to satisfy yourself. I don't want you to get fired from your dream job, so please behave." I said to her:

"Alright, mom, I will behave myself. So enough about me here, what about you?" She asks.

"Well, for me, I've got nothing interesting to tell you, but I need to tell you about something quite important, and I need someone to share it with." Of course, I'm going to tell my best friend about Elijah. I need to share with someone, or else I will be stressed out thinking about it.

"Tell me about it. I've got nothing to do currently. I can listen to your problem all day and be your counsellor for today." I let out a sigh and started to tell her.

"So you know that I just launched my new boutique in New York a few days ago. Well..."

"Well?" I stayed quiet for a few seconds before continuing.

"What? Don't tell me—" I cut her off, because if not, she will start her nonsense assumption. I know she will guess that I already have a new boyfriend or something like that. She really wants me to have a new life with a new guy, but I don't think I am ready for another relationship now. Maybe later.

"Okay... I met Elijah at that time. I don't even know he was invited to that event, and he said that he wants me back." I told her, and all I hear is silence. "Hello?"

"Then what did you say to him?" She asks.

"I just said that I'd never go back to him. I already feel hurt when he throws me like a piece of trash, but what if he forced me to be with him? What should I do? Or what if he wants his rights towards his children and brings this case to court? I don't want any problems, especially when it includes Gabriel and Gabriella. They are both still young when it comes to this problem. I don't want them to be stressed out. I slapped him on the face too." I let out what's in my mind.

"What did you do? You slapped him? That was impressive. Well, Lexa, listen to me. No matter what happens, just let him beg you, because he deserves that. He's the one who wants to get divorced from you. So, just don't go to him and make him suffer. He needs to feel what you felt three years ago. He treated you like a beggar begging for his love, and now you make him begging for your love, but never go back to him." She said that, and I think that's right. I can't easily go back to him after what he has done to me. I have my pride, and if he wants me, he needs to get into my heart again, but I don't think he will capture it ever again. LIKE NEVER.

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