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[Beautiful in White—Westlife]

A few years later


"Gabriel! Gabriella! Hurry up. Both of you will be late for school. Gosh, these kids." I look at my beautiful wife and shout for the twins. She looked hot when she did that. "It's a good thing if both of you go to the same school." She said when the twins finally came down and sat down to have breakfast,

Oh, I'm not going to school if he's in my school." Gabriella said.

Yeah, me too. Even though I love my sister, I still don't want to be in the same school as her." Alexa Just shake her head, and we eat our breakfast.

A few minutes later, Gabriel and Gabriella dismissed themselves to go to school. "Bye mom! Dad!" They said to get into the car.

"You know, if you always furrow your eyebrows, you'll look older than your age." I said this to her, and she glared at me.

"So you're telling me that I look old?" I kissed her forehead.

"I just said. No, you don't look old at all. You're the most beautiful, gorgeous, and cute woman I've ever met." I kiss her lips, and she kisses me back. "I love you, and my love towards you will never go down because it's always going high and high." I said that when we broke the kiss.

"Stop with your sweet talking, and now move your ass to go to work." She pushes me out of the house.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"You didn't go to work?" I ask her.

"If I didn't go, I wouldn't dress up like this. I will go, but just a bit late. Now go.." She said. I kiss her again and then walk to my car. I drive to the hospital.

"Jared!" I turn around and see Joseph running towards me. Why do you walk so fast?" He finally kept up the pace with me, and we walked to the lift together. "By the way, man, did your wife tell you that she and my wife are going for a girls hangout today?" I immediately looked at him. Joseph and I were close because of Thea and Alexa. We both often hang out together with Elijah too. Elijah already got married to Rebecca a few weeks after me and Alexa's wedding.

"Girls hangout?"

"She didn't tell you, right? Yeah, they're going to the club tonight and having fun. That's what Thea said to me this morning." He said.

"And you just let her go? Just like that?" He nodded his head. "What if there are guys hitting on them? What if-"

"Stop it, dude; it's going to be okay. Don't worry. I already have my man keeping an eye on them. Relax." We walk out of the lift and walk into my room.

"Isn't your wife at Paris now?" I ask as soon as I take a seat in my chair. He sits across from me.

Yeah, but I just asked her to take a leave for a few more days." I nodded and we start to talk about our work.


My heart was relieved when I saw Alexa sleeping soundly on the bed. I look at the time, and it's near 2 in the morning.

I walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower. A few minutes later, I get out of it and head towards the closet to pick up my sweatpants. "Jared?" I hear Alexa calling my name, and I immediately walk out of the walk-in closet and answer her. "You just got home?" I get on the bed and hug her.

Why are you awake?" I ask her.

"I heard the door being open and closed so I just check it out."

"Go to sleep again." We both lay on our backs and get to sleep. I fell asleep a few seconds later.


"Stinky, wake up. You're going to be late for work." I heard Alexa shake my body, but I don't feel like I want to wake up yet. "Jared the stinky wale up, I have a new design to finish up before tonight. So you better get your ass up; I know you can hear me." She hit me on the shoulder.

"Today is Saturday, bae. Don't try to lie to me. Let me sleep. I'm so tired." I heard her sigh.

"Okay fine. But how about breakfast?" She asks.

"It's fine."

"What if the kids ask for you?"

"They'll understand."

"You need to meet Joseph today, right?"

"It's tomorrow."

"How about my morning kiss?"

"I'll give you lots of it later."

"Then how about this little bean? You're not going to say good morning to it?" I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What bean?"

"This one." She points at her stomach, and I look at her stomach, then hers.

"No way." I sit up and look her in the eyes. "You're kidding, right?" She smiles at me. "What?" I ask her.

Actually, three of us are going to surprise you about this today, but you didn't want to wake up, so I need to tell you now. You know you ruin it all." I begin to smile and then hug her.

"Oh my god! You're pregnant! I'm going to become a dad. Yes!" I kiss her and then hug her. I can't describe my feelings now. I feel so happy about this news. I love Gabriel and Gabriella so much, and with this new addition to the family, it will be happier.

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" The twins come into our room and ask. "Mom, did you already tell dad about it?" Gabriel asked, and Alexa nodded her head.

"I had no choice. Come here." They sit on the bed, and four of us hug as a family.

My life just becomes so great, and I can't thank God enough for giving me this woman as my wife and these two kids as my children. Thank you...

After lots of things happened back there, we finally could live as one happy family, and now it just becomes happier when I know that Alexa is pregnant.

The End


It's officially complete. Thanks to all my fellow readers who've been supporting this book until the end. I can't thank all of you enough.

Don't forget to read my second book. Also, the upcoming books that I'll publish soon Stay tuned for it.

Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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