Chapter nine

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[Christina Perri, Jar of Hearts]


I open my phone to see that I've gotten a few messages from my secretary, and then the other is from Elijah. I just ignore his messages and reply to my secretary. After that, I blocked him because I didn't want anything to do with him. I'm hoping he will understand that I don't want him to be in my life ever again. I get up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom. I undress and then take a shower. I feel relaxed when the warm water runs down my body. After a few minutes, I walk out of the bathroom with my bathrobe and a towel on my head to dry my hair.

I walk into my walk-in closet to choose an outfit for the day. After staring at all my dresses, I decided to wear a white blouse with my black pencil skirt. Then I turn on the hairdryer to make my hair dry faster. I just comb my hair to make it straight. For my makeup, I just put on a simple but elegant look that matched my appearance today. I look at the time and quickly take out my black pump.

I walk out of my room after I'm done with my appearance. I walked downstairs to see that the twins had already woken up and were waiting for me in front of the dining room. "Mommy! Good morning!" They said it in unison, and I smiled at their cuteness. "Good morning to both of you." I kiss their cheeks and walk inside to have our breakfast.

"Good morning, Ms. Johnson," Dolly said as soon as I entered the dining room, smiling. "Morning Dolly. Come and eat breakfast with us." I said, and she just nodded and sat beside Gabriella.

"Mmmm, I love pancakes." Gabriella said and shoved the pancakes into her mouth, making her mouth full. While Gabriel is putting more Nutella on his pancakes. I love to see that my babies eat well. I eat mine until the last bite.

"Gab, Ella, mommy has to go to work now," I said and grabbed my handbag. They come to me and hug me. "Don't be naughty, alright? Be nice, and one more thing, don't fight." I said to them: I said the same thing to them every day, to be honest, because I want them to be good kids. They nodded their heads and hugged me again.

"Bye, mommy." Gabriel and Gabriella said it in unison, and I walked out of the house. Walk to my black Porsche and unlock it. As soon as I get in, I start the engine and then drive to work.


"Ms. Johnson, there's someone who wants to meet you," Hera said, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Who?" I ask.

"A man, and he said it's important. Should I let him in?" I silenced for a few seconds until Hera talked again. "Ms?"

"Oh yeah, let him in." I said and continued to do my work while waiting for Hera to call 'that man' in. I just do my work until my office door opens. I looked up to see who it was, and then my smile turned into a frown. Elijah. My nightmare becomes real now when he stands in front of me in my office.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I say I didn't want to meet you again? Or maybe you didn't understand English, hmm?" I said with a pissed voice, "Why can't he leave me alone?" Didn't he treat me like garbage?

"Babe, I'm here because I want to bring you out for lunch." He said it, and his voice was just casual, like nothing had happened.

Okay, what the heck?

"Why would I think I want to go and have lunch with you? You're just wasting your time. Just go back to New York, Elijah." I said, "Look at my paper work." I don't have time to talk with a guy like him because it's just a waste of time. This type of guy will never understand if I say I don't want him in my life.

"Alexa, didn't you read my message that I sent to you? I said that no matter how hard you try to push me out of your life, I will always come back to you. Don't you read it?" I scoffed.

"You want me back, After all, what did you do to me three years ago? Do you have amnesia? I think I still remember what you said to me when I caught you having sex with another woman. Well, let me throw back what you said to me: you said you don't love me anymore. You said you felt like our marriage was the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life, and you also asked why you had to be tied down so early when you could still enjoy yourself with another woman. Remember now?" I said to him, "Stand up. I walk to him and slap him hard on the face. I think every time he appears in front of me, I will slap him on the face. If I have the strength, I want to punch and kick him until he is hospitalised. That's how I feel right now. I hate him with all my heart.

He looks shocked by my action. "Hurt? But it didn't feel the same as I felt when you left me alone with our unborn babies three years ago." I said, and he stayed silent. "Isn't this what you want? Freedom. Now you already have it, so why bother trying to get me back while you can have any woman you want?" I said it with anger in my voice, and I also felt my body already heating up from anger.

"Alexa... I know I did the wrong thing, but that was three years ago. Just forget about it, and we can start a new family with our children." He was trying to hold me, but I took a step back to prevent his dirty hand from touching me. "Baby, please. I will change." He adds.

"Even if you change, you can't make the scars in my heart disappear just like that. So please stay away from me and my children." I said, and I know if I look at him, my tears will fall, so I just look at my shoes. I didn't know why it hurt so much when I told him to go. Am I still in love with him?

NO! It can't be. I hate him, and even though I never forget him, I won't let him be in my life this time.

"Alexa, I'll never leave you alone. I'll try harder to make you mine again. I promise you." He said. I just walked away from his eyes. I don't want to be a weak woman who easily melts when a man says that to me.

"Go away, Elijah. Please." Just then, I can see his feet walking away from me. I heard the door open and close. Now I can't even control my tears anymore. It's rolling down my cheeks. All the pain that he gave me three years ago came back.

Why? Why now does he want me back? It's been three years, and I already have my own life with Gabriel and Gabriella.

I wipe my tears and walk to my seat. I took my phone and dialled Dolly. She picks up after a few rings. "Yes, Ms. Johnson?"

"Dolly, can you please take care of them until late at night because I think I'll arrive home late today?" You can sleep in the guest room. Can you?" I ask because I need some time alone to forget about everything that happened today. I need some fresh air.

"Oh yeah, sure. I can do that." She replies.

"Ok, then that's it. Tell them I am sorry because I can't watch the movie with them. Bye." With that, I hang up and lean my head back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes, I slowly arranged all the papers on my table, then picked up my phone and handbag. I walk out of my office to see Hera doing her work. "Hera, cancel all my appointments for today. I didn't feel good." I said.

"Alright, Ms. Johnson." With that, I offer her a weak smile and then get down to the lobby.

After I get into my car, I just drive to the nearest park here. That's a good thing that there aren't too many people in this park. I look at the time; it's 1:45 p.m. I take a seat and look at the lake in front of me. It makes me calm.

I'm sorry, Elijah, but I can't accept you back in my life because you left me a really deep scar in my heart. It's so hurtful. I hope you will stay away from me, as you did three years ago.

Don't ever come back.



How's chapter 9?





Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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