Chapter Twenty Four

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[Adele: Make you feel my love ]


"Thea, you said you would stay here for three days. It's only been two days, but you need to go back to Paris. Don't go..." I pleaded with her, but I knew it wasn't going to work.

"Don't act like a child, Alexa. I'm sad too, but there's nothing I can do. My boss called and wanted me to be there as soon as possible. Maybe because there's an urgent situation or something. I promise you, I'll come here again." She said that and walked outside.

"Are you sure you don't want me to send you to the airport?" I ask.

"It's okay; I already called the cab. I don't want you to prevent me from going back to Paris if you send me to the airport. Oh, there's the cab. Bye bestie. I'm going to miss you." She hugs me and then gets into the cab. I wave to her and watch the cab until it's gone. I sighed and went inside my house.

I feel something is missing now. I look at the time, and it's 6:30 in the morning. I walk to my room and take a shower. I scrub my body and shampoo my hair. When I'm done, I wrap my naked body in a bathrobe and then walk out of the bathroom. It's already 7 a.m. Wow, I'm sure it's taking too long for a shower.

Last night, I slept like 12 or something because I was just on the phone with Elijah. I don't even know why I even answered his phone call last night.

I walk to my walk-in closet, pick up my emerald green dress, and wear it. After that, I sit on my vanity table and do my makeup.

After a few minutes, I'm all done. I put my phone in my bag and walked downstairs. I'm not in a hurry today because I don't have to bring Gabriel and Gabriella with me anymore. When I told Thea about the babysitter thing, she just recommended her contacts to me, and I think I can trust her. When the doorbell rings, I walk to the door and open it.

"Good morning, Ms. Johnson. I'm Laila George, your kid's babysitter." She said that and smiled at me.

Oh, come in. Nice to meet you, Laila. Well, the twins are still fast asleep upstairs, so maybe you can cook their breakfast first or do whatever you think you have to do here." She nodded her head, understanding. "Good. Now, I have to go because I don't want to get stuck in traffic. I hope you can take care of my children well." I said before walking out.

"I promise I will, Ms." I smile and walk, heading to my car.

I have my breakfast at the small cafe that's only a few blocks from my company. I love to have breakfast there because it's so cosy and there are not too many people in the morning. I have pancakes and hot tea.

After I have done that, I drive my car to my company, give the keys to the chauffeur, and then walk in. I have a meeting this morning in 5 minutes, so I just walk faster, and when I arrive on the 20th floor, I walk straight towards the meeting room.

"Good morning, everyone," I said, then smiled.

Just then, the meeting started.

Okay, then, we will have another meeting once you all make a new design by next week." They nodded their heads. With that, I stand up and wait for all the people to walk out of the meeting room before I walk out of it.


Just when I focus on my work, my phone lights up. I furrowed my eyebrows and took a look at who it was. Private number?

I open it and see the pictures of Elijah and a woman. They look so happy in those pictures, and I feel relieved that at least he won't disturb me anymore. To be honest, I didn't feel anything when I looked at those pictures because I don't have any feelings for Elijah. I don't even understand why this person sent me all this. Maybe you want me to see how Elijah's been doing in New York.

I look at the photos, and then my phone rings, showing Elijah's name on it. He might want to tell me a lie again. I just let it be, but when he calls for it the second time, I pick it up.

"What do you want more of?" I said it with a cold tone. I know he wants to spread lies again, but I know him too well. I just act cold towards him and let him suffer by himself.

Like, who cares?


How's chapter 24?

Sorry for the short chapter, fellow readers.





Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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