Chapter Thirteen

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[Why don't we - trust fund babies]


Yesterday was supposed to be a fun day with my children, but it turned out to be a really bad one because of that man. Right now, I'm in the dining room eating breakfast with the twins. "Gabriel, Gabriella, mommy's got one thing to tell you," I said, and both of them looked at me confused.

"Okay, I hope you guys can accept all this. I know both of you are still young, but I need to tell you this. You both won't even understand too, but whatever, at least I told you," I said, taking a deep breath. "Well, do you like that uncle?" I ask.

"Hmm yesh!" Gabriella said.

"I like him," Gabriel said.

"Good to know you both like him. You know, he is... ummm, your dad." I finally said it and looked at Gabriel and Gabriella, waiting for their reactions. I was not expecting any reaction, and I turned to look at Dolly too.

"Uncle is Daddy?" Gabriella asked me, and I nodded my head. I look at them, and they just continue to eat their food as if nothing happened. Just as I expected.

"I am so dumb. They are still young and don't even understand all this. What am I doing?" I look at Dolly.

"Ms. It's okay. I know it is hard for you, but you did a good job telling them even though they don't respond," she said, and she's right.

"Mommy, can Uncle stay with us?" I look at Gabriella with surprise.

"Honey, he can't because he is too busy with his work and he needs to stay far from us. He can only visit us like he always did." I said that and smiled at her.


"It's okay. Later, Daddy will come. Now, eat your breakfast." We continue to eat our breakfast in silence, but not too silent. After I finished my breakfast, I bid goodbye to Gabriel and Gabriella and went to work.


I'm stressed out about my new designs and my upcoming fashion week. I look at the designs I make and choose the best one. Just then my office door opened, and when I looked up to see who it was, yep, my day was stressed out, and now it's completely ruined.

"Why do you need to appear in front of my face again?" I ask him, standing in front of him. "I already told Gabriel and Gabriella about you, and I even gave you permission to bring them to meet your parents. What else do you want?" I add.

Without saying any words, he hugs me. "What are you doing? Let me go." I said, wriggling from his embrace.

"Let me hug you for thirty seconds, please." He said. Why has he always said please these days? He never liked to say those words before. I let him hug me because, to be honest, I miss being in his arms again. I really miss it. I close my eyes and put my arms around his waist, and I can feel him hug me tighter. We stay like that for more than thirty seconds, but I'm not complaining about that. I feel so secure in his arm. Feel like the past.

Then he releases the hug and looks at me. I look at him too, and I look at his eyes. What are you doing to me, Elijah? You make my heart beat so fast, and I think I will fall for you again. That's not what I want.

"I love you." I looked at him when he said that, and I could see through his eyes that he was sincere when he said that.

No! I can't let him get to me so easily.

"How many women have you told that you love them, huh?" I ask him.

"None Alexa. Trust me,"

"Look, I really do you a huge favour by disappearing from your life. Just like you wanted. Remember? Then why are you the one who comes and begs me like this? You know how hard my life will be after you throw me away like a fucking stray dog. Look, Elijah, I don't want you anymore. Please understand and stop wasting your time and energy chasing this stray dog because she doesn't want you ever," I said to him.

"I changed. I didn't even sleep with any women anymore. It's been quite long," I scolded when he said that. What a liar.

"Oh, then? What do you want me to do? Clap my hands and congratulate you! You know what? Just leave because I have lots of work to settle. Shoo shoo," I said, and he walked out of my office by slamming the door. He is mad, but I don't care.


When I got home, I didn't even see Gabriel and Gabriella. They usually run to me and hug me, but not today. This is weird.

"Dolly," I call her, and she comes immediately from the kitchen. "Yes, Ms?"

"Where are Gabriel and Gabriella?" I ask.

"They've been in their room since this morning. I had to bring the lunch to their room because they insisted on going out of it." She replied, and I nodded, then walked upstairs to their room. They never stay in their room that long. I walked quickly to their room because I was worried about them.

"Gabriel, Gabriella "Can mommy come in?" I look at them, but they just play with their toys. I walk in and sit between both of them. They just stay silent and play with their toys, just like I didn't. "Did you guys get mad at me? I'm sorry, then. Please forgive me. Who will love me if both of you don't want to? Hmmm, maybe mommy has to get another child to have someone love me." I said, and then when I said about another child, they turned their heads to me and looked at me.

"We love you." They said it together and hugged me. I smile because my plan worked. "Mommy, no other baby. We love you." Gabriel said.

"Then why did you not get out of this room?" I ask.

"We want to play here." I nodded my head.

"Okay, but don't just play in here. Maybe you guys can go and play downstairs too?"

"Okay mommy. Daddy?." Gabriella said, and I looked at her.

"Hm? Why with daddy?" I ask her.

"Daddy, play with us?" Gabriella asks. I know they must be missing the love of their father.

"Umm, he's busy. Maybe later I'll call him and ask if he wants to play with you." I explain. They nodded their heads.

"But we want to meet him," Gabriel said to me.

Just then, my phone rang. I take it out of my handbag and look—it's Elijah. Speaks of the devil. "Hello."

"Hello, Alexa. I miss you." He said. I rolled my eyes and looked at the twins.

"I didn't," I said coldly.

"Auch, you hurt my heart." He said it, but I didn't care.

"Can we meet tomorrow? "Because Gabriel and Gabriella want to meet you." I said, and when both of them knew that I talked to Elijah, they tried to take my phone. So, I put my phone on loudspeaker.

"It's Daddy," I told both of them.

"Daddy! daddy!" Both of them called him I am quite shocked when they actually call Elijah "Daddy." It is still early, and I thought it was going to take some time for them to call him dad.

"Dad? Wait, Alexa, did they?

"Yes. You heard it?" I heard him chuckle.

"This is my happiest day after so long, Alexa. So, we will meet tomorrow?" He asks again, and I reply yes to him.

"Okay, then I'll see three of you tomorrow. Bye, my love life." With that, he hangs up, and I feel weird about it.

I don't want it.

I don't want it.

I don't want it.

I keep telling myself not to fall for a man like him ever again. A man like him will never change. Maybe he will treat me like his love life for a year or two, but then I know he will get bored and throw me out like trash. Just like he did three years ago.


How's chapter 13?





Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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