Chapter Thirty Two

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[Olivia O. Brian ft. Gnash: - I hate you, I love you]

Feel free to point out any errors in this chapter, and I'll fix them.


I am now getting ready to go to work. I wear my emerald green dress with my black stilettos. I let my hair go a bit wavy today, and my makeup was just more natural. I like it to be natural because it makes me feel more comfortable, and my face doesn't look like a clown.

I left my room and walked downstairs. "Good morning, Ms. I already cooked the breakfast." Laila greets me as soon as I enter the dining room. Laila basically just leaves here because I think it will be easy for her to look at the twins if I have any emergencies or something. Also, she cooks breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even when I told her I could do it myself, she was still stubborn and cooked it.

"I just can't eat oats or something, Laila. You don't need to do this. You're a babysitter, not my maid." I said.

"It's okay, Ms.; I love doing all this stuff." Now let's go sit and eat your breakfast, or else you'll be late." I take my seat and eat the pancakes.

Not long after that, Gabriel and Gabriella walk into the dining room. "Mommy! " I smile and then hug them.

Morning, my sunshine."

We eat together, and when I look at the time, I already have to go; if not, I'll be late. "Gotta go now; I will see both of you this evening, right?" I said I was standing up to walk out of the house, but then Gabriel called me. I turned around and looked at him.

Why, baby?" I ask.

Ummm, yesterday, we took your phone and called Daddy." When you're in your bathroom. We miss him very much," he said, looking at his feet. I was very surprised when he said that. I just stay quiet until he opens his mouth again. "Can we go to his house? Tomorrow?" he asks, then Gabriella walks to me too.

"Can we, mommy?" she asks. I don't know what to say. Should I give them time with him? Or not?

Yes, you have too. They're his children too. He has a right to spend time with his child. My conscience said "We will talk about this after I'm back from work this evening, okay?" I said this to them, and they just nodded their heads. I kiss their foreheads and then walk out.


I am doing my work, then my phone buzzes to show that I have notifications. I open it and see Jared message me the place where we're going to meet. I totally forgot about him, to be honest. But it's a good thing that he only asked to have lunch with me.

I look at the time, and it's ten minutes before lunch time. So, I just arranged the papers on my desk and took my handbag before leaving my office. "I will go to lunch now, Hera." I said, and she nodded her head.

I drive to the restaurant that Jared messaged me about. After I parked my car, I got out of it and walked inside the restaurant. As always, I look around, and when I see Jared already there, I walk to the table. I sit and smile. You're early," I said.

"Of course I am. Oh, by the way, we can only have lunch because I have surgery in two hours," he said.

"It's okay. Let's order." He calls the waiter, and we order our food.

"So tell me what the important thing is that you want to tell me. I'm so curious." I raised my eyebrows.

"What thing?" I ask dumbly.

"The thing that you want to tell me," he said in a duh tone. I stay silent for a few seconds until I know what he is talking about.

Oh, about that. Well, yesterday Elijah, his best friend, and one woman came to my office." I started to tell him.

Oh, okay...."

"There's one woman who told me that she is the one who sent those pictures to me because she didn't want to see Elijah happy after he rejected her. Then, when I look at Elijah, I feel like he really regrets it and sincerely wants me back. But usually he will like to force me to accept him back, but yesterday he said that he will give me time to think about all this as long as I want. Do you think I have to accept him back?" I ask him after I'm done to tell him about yesterday.

"Wait up. What great pictures you're talking about, but whatever, because I bet you don't want to remember them. And I think it's up to you. But if I were you, I would give him a chance because guys will never apologise and beg women if they're not being serious." He reply.

"So you said that I should take him back." He nodded his head. "Okay then. But what if he just wants me to fill his need? You know men always did that to women." I said.

"Just give it a try and tell him this is the last chance that you're going to give him. If he is being a jerk again, you will leave him and come to me. So that we can live happily after that," he said, laughing. I look at him in disbelief. He can still make some stupid jokes here.

"Thank you, my love, doctor, for those words. I really appreciate it. " I said, and he just chuckled in reply.

Then, We eat our food and then talk about random things. After we finished our food, Jared said he had to go back to the hospital. He paid for the food even though I said it was okay.

Now, I'm back in my office to do my work. I'm just doing some new designs for my new collection for this Christmas. Also, I have a fashion show in two months. Being a fashion designer isn't that easy because you need to think of a design that is new and will attract a lot of people to wear it.


"Mommy, can we go?" They ask when I'm in my room doing my work on my laptop. They really talk like adults.

Fine, fine, both of you can go, but behave yourself there, alright?" They jump in happiness.

"Yay! We can meet Auntie Banana and Uncle Corner." Gabriella said, and I chuckled.

"Now let's go and pack your clothes." With that, I walk out of my room with them, then head to their room. "But who's going to fetch both of you to go there?" I ask because I'm not going to New York to send them and have to face Elijah there.

"Daddy will come and pick us up here tomorrow." what? He will come here. That means I have to meet him, but I'm not ready yet to meet him.

Oh, alright," is all I reply, continuing to pack their clothes into their luggage. After a few minutes, we're done, and the twins just get into their bed and sleep. I kissed them, then left the room to go to my room.






Much love from me.

Little Munchkins

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