Chapter Twenty

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[Daya: Sit still, look pretty.]


Two days later.

Finally, my work is done here, so now I'm on my way to the airport. Well, the last two days, Elijah has just been so sweet and romantic to me, and I have just been a cold-hearted person. I'm not going to melt over his sweet talk, his sweet moves, or whatever he did. My heart is closed to him. I really need to find myself another guy as soon as possible to make sure he's not going to persuade or force me to be with him. The thing is, I don't have much time to go and find a new boyfriend or anything since Thea is not with me. I feel awkward by myself.

My flight is in two hours, so after I arrive at the airport, I decide to buy a coffee first. It became a routine for me to buy coffee every morning. I love coffee. You can't blame me, though. I love coffee, but I didn't become addicted to it that much.

I queue at Starbucks, and that's a good thing there are only a few people before me. When it comes to my turn, I order a cappuccino, and the cashier gives me my order after three minutes. I pay her and then leave a smile before walking and finding a seat.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I take it out of my bag and then look at the caller.


"Hey, baby. Why didn't you tell me that you checked out of the hotel at 10?" He said it as soon as I put the phone near my ear.

"Do I have to too?" I asked, and I heard him sighed.

"Where are you now? Airport? When is your flight?" He asks me too many questions in one sentence. Gosh, why does he need to care about me? I hate it.

Yes, I am at the airport, and my flight is in two hours," I reply.

Okay, just wait there, and I will go to you now. I love you; see ya." With that, I hang up the phone and groan. I'm not supposed to tell him where I am, though. I quickly regretted my moves just now.

Well, I miss him being like this, to be honest. I didn't care if he wanted to ask me thousands of questions because that shows that he worried and cared about me, but if he had done it all these three years ago, I would be totally happy.

I take a sip of my cappuccino and look around because I have nothing to do. Basically, I was hoping that he didn't show up in front of me. I want to run away from him, but Gabriel and Gabriella are the reason that I'm not.

After a few minutes, I stand up and throw my empty cup into the dustbin, and I make my way to McDonald's to buy something to eat because I feel so hungry now. When I arrive in front of it, I stop because it's so crowded and the queue is too long to wait. I sighed and then walked back to my seat. I sit there for I don't know how long until someone gives me chicken sandwiches. I look at the sandwiches and look up to see who it is. I rolled my eyes after I saw Elijah standing in front of me and handing me chicken sandwiches. "You're here." That's all I said.

"You didn't want these sandwiches?" He asks, but I don't give him any replies.


"I didn't put any poison in here. Don't worry." I thought for a few seconds about what he said. I should take it because I am super-duper hungry right now.

"Fine." I immediately take it from him and open it. I take a bite of it and feel so happy. I am starving, and this chicken sandwich is my saviour.

"It looks like you've been so starving." He said to sit next to me. I just hum in response because my mouth is full. Well, let's go. Our plane is waiting." I look at him weirdly and quickly swallow the food.

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