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" umm jack can i go talk to you upstairs " i said. " yea come on " he said standing up and grabbing my hand. " we will be back " he said. we walked upstairs and i closed the door after i walked in. " so what's up " he asked. " umm can you please sit on the bed " i asked. " yea " he said sitting down. " so you know how yesterday i was throwing up and feeling sick " i said. " oh yea did you go to the hospital " he said. " no but umm last night i threw up and chloe asked me if we had sex " i said. " ok " he said. " and i told her the truth that we did and we drove to cvs and bought a... " i said but stopped. " a what " jack said getting impatient. " a pregnancy test " i said. " then when i got home i took the test and it told me that " i said then stopped and took a deep breath. " that i'm pregnant " i said smiling but my smile soon faded when i saw that he wasn't smiling.  " your what " he said shocked. " i'm pregnant " i said. " can i see the test " he asked. i shook my head walked to the bathroom grabbed it and handed it to jack. " mia please tell me that this is a prank is this someone else's pregnancy test haha you got me now where's the camera " he said. " i can't or i would be lying to you " i said as my eyes started to tear up. " so your pregnant " he asked. i nodded my head. " fuck fuck how did this happen " he said walking back and fourth in the room. " i don't know we used protection " i said. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? THIS RUINS EVERYTHING " he yelled scaring me so i jumped. i let a tear slip. " jack i don't know we are so young " i said crying. " DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT MIA " he yelled making me cry harder. " i'm leaving " he said. " please jack don't leave i love you and i need you here to help me. we live together for god sake " i said crying harder. " no i'm leaving this relationship not the house " he said and grabbed his keys and wallet and walked out the room. " JACK NO PLEASE I NEED YOU " i said yelled chasing after him. " I CAN'T DO THIS MIA I'M TOO YOUNG " he yelled. " AND I'M NOT JACK WE ARE THE SAME GOD FUCKING DAMN AGE JACK 19 WE ARE 19 " i yelled still crying. " i'm sorry mia but i just can't " he said then walked out the front door slamming it. i stood there with everyone starring at me. i dropped down on my knee's and cried into my hands. " mia what happened " chloe said hugging me. " i told him and he cut it off we are over chloe he ended it " i said crying harder. " get over it find another he'll get over it in a couple of hours " zach said. i got mad and stood up and looked at him. " you know what zach FUCK YOU I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER CALLED YOU MY BEST FRIEND OR LITTLE BROTHER DO YOU EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHY HE ENDED IT HUH BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT OK ZACH Ok zach that's why he broke up with me so please don't make me feel worse then i already do " i said falling back down to the floor. " wait what " jonah said. " your pregnant " corbyn said. i nodded. " mia im so sorry i don't know what has gotten into me " zach said. " zach right now i'm so hurt i don't feel pain so i don't care i'm going to bed leave me alone and good night " i said standing up. " where are you going to sleep " daniel asked. " we don't have a guest room anymore it's now my room good night " i said slamming the door. i put on some comfortable clothes to sleep in then got into bed and cried myself to sleep. the next morning i got up and walked into the kitchen and saw jack in there. " i'm going to need to get the rest of my stuff from the room " i said. " wait where are you going " he asked. " i'm going to live in the guest room now " i said. " jacky where are you baby " i heard a girl say from the staircase. i looked over and saw some blonde chick walking into the kitchen with my clothes on. " jack robert avery " i said. " what mia " he said. " why is this skank wearing MY CLOTHES " i said. " excuse me what did you just call me " she said. " a skank now back to jack why is she wearing the CLOTHES THAT I BOUGHT WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY " i yelled. " she needed something to wear " he said. " and why in the entire fuck do you think i care " i said. he turned around and looked at me. " where did this mia come from this isn't the same one i was dating yesterday " he said. " yea well it took many heartbreaks from one reject to finally notice that i don't need him " i said smiling. " ok now back to me what did you call me " she said with and attitude. " oh i'm sorry did i stutter i called you a skank " i said walking closer to her. " that's it you stupid bitch " she said and tried to jump on me but i moved out the way so she feel and hit her head. " yea now what bitch " i said walking over to her and grabbing a handful of hair and pulling her up back onto her feet. i started punching her and she finally punched me and my mouth started bleeding. " oh your going to regret that " i said. i walked up to her and kneed her in the vigina then kneed her in the face and made her nose bleed. " HEY THAT'S ENOUGH " jack said pulling me off of her. " that's what you get you stupid skank " i said spiting at her. " get out " jack said. " wait me " the girl said. " yes out NOW " he said. she got onto her feet and walked out the door. when the door closed and ran over to the sink and spit out all the blooding in my mouth then threw up. " mia are you ok " jack asked. " yea i'm fine now leave me alone " i said walking past him. " no stop your hurt let me see " he said grabbing my arm. " let me go " i said pulling my arm away from him. " i'm only hurt by you from breaking my heart last night jack that's what hurt the most is my broken heart not  my mouth no my FUCKING HEART " i said crying. i walked back into my room slammed the door. " WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME WHY WHY why why please tell me why " i said falling onto my knee's and crying harder.

Unexpected ( jack Avery story ) sequel to the betWhere stories live. Discover now