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We got out the movies and went to Taco Bell because jack was hungry like always. we got back to my house " wanna spend the night," i said as i grabbed a water from out the fridge " cant i gotta help my sister study," he said as he smiled and headed out the door. i walked out the door to my jeep and drove to the mall.  i walked in the mall and i saw Ethan kissing what dose not  look like Naomi. i walked up to him and tapped hi  on his back " Ethan," i questioned " im not Ethan," he said as he laughed " then who are you," i said as i got more suspicious " im Grayson," he said as he laughed and held hid hand out. i walked way not knowing i dropped my wallet and headed into h&m until i felt a  tap on my back " you dropped this," i heard a soft voice say. " thanks," i said as she held her hand out " mia," she said as she smiled " jade," i said as i smiled and walked away

i got home and i got a text from unknown

unknown: hi

me: um who is this

unknown: are you jade

me: depends on who you are

unknown: its ethan

me: oh hi Mr. Dolan

Ethan: uggggghhhh

me: what

Ethan: do not  call me Mr. dolan

me: why

Ethan: causr i hate it

me: fuck off byeeee

Ethan: no please

Ethan: jade

Ethan: jade are you still here 

Ethan: JADE

me: miss me much ;)

Ethan: not one bit

me: fuck you

Ethan: aw thx xx

me: ugh whatever what do you want from me

Ethan: i just wanted to talk to someone

me: you have a girlfriend right??

Ethan: yeah but she likes this ass named jack

me: dont call him that 

Ethan: you know him?

me: yeah hes my best-friend and yesterday your girlfriend was hitting on him i mean i dont even know why she dates trashy people like you

Ethan: fuck off

me: k bye :))

Ethan:  wait i didnt mean it 

is it weird that i like my boss ethan dolan?

a/n hey guys ik this chapter is short and shitty but who cares i don't feel good byeeeeeeeeee 

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