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Ethan's p.o.v/
I got home and Jane or Matthew wasn't there. I decided to call Jane to see where she is at.
*jane where are you*
*i will be home soon just hold on*
*that didn't answer my question*
*oh my gosh Ethan*
*how soon will be home*
*soon Ethan I have to go*
*ok* I said as I sighed
*love you*
*love you too*
I hung up and decided to go to a party one of my friends were throwing i got ready and left a small note on the counter to let Grayson or Jane know where I was at.

Janes p.o.v/
I went to find jack, I knew where he would be; after we have been friends for more than 10 years. I finally got yo the beach and he was sitting down just staring out freely. "Jack," I said as I sat down next to him "hi Jane," he said in a depressed tone. "Are you ok," I asked as I put my head on his shoulder to Comfort him. "I just don't know who to believe," he said as a tear ran down his face "it's ok if you don't know I'm just trying to warn you," I said as I wiped the tear off of hid face. Our faves came closer together, I looked at him for a while and then he kissed me. "What was that for," I said as I stood up wiping the sand from off of my butt. I looked at jack and left.
Sense Ethan was so concerned about where I was I decided to go check on him while I had time. I got to his house and walked in sense I have a key to the house. I knock on Ethan's bedroom door "Grayson what did I tell you about when I have g- I interrupted him "its not Grayson and whom you have what over". "Nothing uh I-it's nothing," he said as he stuttered his words. I pushed through him to see a naked girl in his bed. "Ethan what the fuck is this," I yelled at him. "I don't know what I was doing," he said as I gave him a death glare. "No shit," I said as I slapped him and grabbed my stuff out of his room "we are over," I said as I pushed him out of my way "Grayson," I screamed as he came out of his room "yeah," he said as he looked concerned "can you drive me home please," I asked as a tear ran down my face. "Yeah but why do you have all of your stuff," he asked as he eyed Ethan "look in his room," I said as I cried even more "Ethan what the fuck," Grayson said as he punched Ethan in the chest.
The whole time I was in the car I was crying and crying. Grayson offered to stay with me but I wanted to be alone for a while. I was laying down on my bed watching tears fall down on my pillows. I cried my self to sleep.

I woke up with 20 missed calls from Ethan and a few from Grayson. I decided to put on (👇🏼)

I got in my car and went to Bella's house to fill her in on what happened, she was just as mad as I was

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I got in my car and went to Bella's house to fill her in on what happened, she was just as mad as I was. " I knew there was something up with him," Bella said as she put her hand on my shoulder because I had been crying. "What do you mean," I asked as I tried to make my breathing even. "When he fucked you the second day you guys knew each other," she said as something popped in my head... I forgot to tell what the job was really for.

Hi guys
I'm bored
My life is great
I just cut myself
K byeeee

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