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I woke up not knowing where I was, then I remembered what happened last night. I looked next to me and Ethan was still asleep and I was still naked  so I found one of shirts and put it on. I walked around the house, it was a nice house. I heard something behind me and I turned around to what looked like Ethan. "Ethan," I said as I walked closer to him. "Nope it's Grayson," he said as he smiled. "Excuse me who," I said as I walked back a little. "Ethan didn't tell you about me," he said as he laughed I got even more confused. "I'm his twin brother," Grayson said then I heard someone come behind him "Grayson what the hell are you doing," he said "I'm talking to her why," Grayson said as Ethan grabbed me and put his hand around my waist slowly inching it down to my butt. "Whatever this is our assistant for the job," he said as he looked down and me and smiled. "Ew did yall fuck," Grayson said "so what if we did," I said as I crossed my arms. "You know your my assistant so I can say or do whatever I want to you," he said as he smirked. I rolled my eyes and texted Bella to come pick me up and bring me some clothes. She came awfully quick, "bye Ethan," I said as I smiled and walked out the door.
"Thanks for picking me up," I said as I smiled "your welcome want some food," Bella said as she turned the corner "yes please," I said as I went on my phone to see that Ethan texted men
Ethan: hey babygirl
Ethan: how are you
Ethan: come over and I'll feed you
Me:you have food
Ethan: no but I got my dick
Me:whatever bye
Ethan: no come back
Ethan: babygirl
Ethan: I'm sorry
Ethan:  come back
Ethan: I love you 💕
Me: what?

Did he really just say he loved me. I must be dreaming. I locked my phone and smiled. "What,"Bella said as she pulled into the cafe parking lot."Oh nothing," I said as I stopped daydreaming. "I know you guys fucked," Bella said as she laughed. "What no we didn't," I said as I stuttered my words "there's no need to lie to me jade me and jack have been your friends for what 10 years it's ok to tell us," Bella said as her face got more serious "sorry," I said "no need to be sorry jacks here waiting for us," she said as she got out the car and hugged jack "hey jack," I said as I jumped out the car and hugged him as well. "Hey jade what happened with you and Ethan last night," he said as he looked worried "we fucked," I said quietly "what,"he said as he leaned in closer "we fucked," I screamed and ran away. Why does love have to be so complicated it's just one emotion that comes and goes in life. Mine has come but I hope it never goes.

A/n: hey guys so I changed Kate's name to Bella so ya and sorry if this is really long but I'm gonna make Grayson a little bitchy to jade but after a moment he does get better so ya byeee

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