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"You know him," I ask as my mind gets filled with anger. "Yeah he's the one who called me cute on instagram and sent me a picture of him with only a towel on," she said as she giggled with hatred knowing I was dating him. "Babe," Grayson says as he puts his hand on my shoulder "no Grayson," I said as my eyes started to water. "No more babe, you made me think that you loved me and that you were different from Ethan, I should have known that your the same dickhead as he is. If you don't have the respect for me you can't have my heart and you won't ever get it back," I said as tears ran down my face one by one and soon enough it was like a flood. Moments later I decided to drive to jacks house because he always finds a way to comfort me. Shortly after I arrive at jacks house. I knock on the door and he opens the door wearing nothing but a pair of joggers.
I push him inside as I attach my lips on his. Our lips move perfectly in sync. "Nate's here," jack said as he broke the kiss. "Let him hear us," I said as a smirk creeped upon jacks face. I guided jack towards his room as I pushed him on his bed. "I can see your boner from a mile away,"I said as I giggled. "Good thing you're here to help me out,"he said as he winked. He started kissing me as I tugged his shirt acknowledging to take it off. I roamed my hands around his defined chest. I broke the kiss to take off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my matching undergarments. He smirked at the sight of my body. I lay down on his bed with him hovering over me leaving trails of wet kisses on my neck. He started biting and sucking on my neck getting to my sweet spot as I let out a moan. He unclipped my bra and roamed his hand around my breasts. "Babygirl, ride me till I'm bout to cum," he said as he lowered his face inches away from my woman hood. His fingers push my underwear aside as he starts sucking in my clit. In a matter of seconds moans escape my mouth. "Oh fuck yesss," I say holding out the S sound. I felt a smirk on jacks face as he soon entered his tongue in me. He started to hum sending vibrations through my body. "Oh fuck," I scream as I tilt my head back in pleasure. He shakes his head side to side as it sends me over the edge. "Holy shit I'm about to cum," I scream as he shakes his head faster and faster. I came on his face and he licked my juices off his face. "Damn baby you taste good," he said as a devious smirk appeared on his face. I push him on the bed as i slide down his joggers to see his bulge from his boxers. I smirk as as I pull down his boxers letting his member slap his stomach. Damn he's bigger than Grayson and Ethan I thought to myself. I slide my underwear off as I climb in jacks lap. I adjusted his dick as I bounced up and down going faster and faster by the second. "Holy fuck," I hear jack mumble under his breath. I soon start going in figure 8 movements. "Shit I'm about to cum," he said as his breath hitched. I climb off of him and lower my body towards his dick. I put my mouth on it as i kitty lick the top. A groan escapes jack as I start bobbing my head up and down. I tried fitting it all in but I couldn't. I groped whatever I couldn't fit and my mouth. I bobbed my head faster and faster as he cums in my mouth, I swallow it all as I put on my undergarments back on and jack puts on his and I lay down next to him resting in his chest. "I love you," I say as I look in his beautiful eyes. "I love you too," he says as he smiles back and places his hand on my ass. "Jack I really mean it not as friends. I don't want to be friends with benefits I really love you a lot," I say as he looks me directly in the eyes. "I know jade I love you in that way too and I always have," he says as he kisses me on my forehead and we both drift off to sleep.

794 words
A/n hi guys sorry it's been a while since I updated but I'm only going to make 3 or 4 more chapters of this book but I also have the book roommates and I am starting to make an imagines book but thank you guys for 4K reads it means a lot ily guys so much!💗

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