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I woke up kinda excited to go to work because i kind of have a connection with Ethan now.

I got dressed kinda dressy but not really and I brought my MacBook with me just in case I needed it,

I got dressed kinda dressy but not really and I brought my MacBook with me just in case I needed it,Ootd:

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I left out the house and drove to work. I walked into the building and headed towards my office until I felt something heavy on my shoulder, I turned around to see Ethan
" good morning jade," he said as he smiled
His smile is so cute.
" good morning mr.Dolan," I said as i laughed and started walking again
He stopped me again and gave me some papers to work on and I headed up the stairs to my office. After hours of filling out papers and going to meetings it was finally the end of the day. I grabbed my backpack and my computer and started running down the stairs. " jade," I heard someone say as I turned around. It was Ethan. " you just can't get away from me can you," I said as I laughed. " whatever I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out sometime soon cause I'd like to get to know you better," he said as he smiled. " sure 4:30," I said as he opened the door for me. Before he could say anything else I got in my car and drove off.

A/n: Ik guys Ik this chapter is really short but I promise I will make them longer

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