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"Bella I need to tell you something," I said as my heart started beating faster because I knew she would never talk to me again. "The job isn't for an assistant... it's for a sex slave," I say a I get up and leave to avoid all the drama that is going to happen. I decided to go to the twins house only to see Grayson. I finally got there and it was late so I decided to stay there. I knocked on the door to see a random girl "can I help you," she asked as I saw Ethan walk up behind her. "I see you moved on mr.dolan," I said. I called him that because he hated when I do that and I know it would have messed with his feelings. I pushed the girl aside and ran up to Grayson's room. "Gray?" I said as he was asleep in his bed. I looked at his face an how cute his face looked. I took my sweatshirt off and laid down next to him. When I laid down he woke up. "Hey j," he said as he sat himself up "hey g," I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Did you see Ethan and... you know," he said as he placed his hand on my head. "Yeah. Why," I said. "I dont know I just wanted to see if you were upset or anything," he said as lightly kissed me. "Awe thanks gray," I said as I turned around and hugged him. I then sat on his lap with my legs straddling his. I kissed him in the lips, a quick one. "Thank you so much for everything you've helped me with Grayson," I said as I stroked my fingers through his hair. "Your welcome," he said as he smirked. "Bella's throwing a party do you want to go with me," I asked as I felt Grayson's measure rise. "Yeah sure," he said as he pushed me off.
I took a short shower and put on a tight v-neck white dress and a leather jacket

 I took a short shower and put on a tight v-neck white dress and a leather jacket

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I walked out the bathroom and Grayson looked me up and down and licked his lips. "Oh my gosh Grayson," I said as I slapped him and grabbed his hand as we walked out his room. I wanted to make sure that Ethan saw me going out dressed like I was. "You ok," Grayson asked as he saw me look at Ethan making out with the girl. "I'm fine," I said as I held his hand as we walked into the living room. "Where are you going," Ethan asked as he looked me up and down like he used to do when we were still together. "A party," I said as I walked away and got in graysons car.

Ethan's p.o.v/
I watched Jane walk out with Grayson and my eyes started to water. "Are you crying over that ugly bitch," Ava said. "No of course not," I said as I watched Jane kiss Grayson. "Good," Ava said as she climbed on top of me and started kissing me

Janes p.o.v/
We got to the party and there was a lot of people there including jack and the fucking bitch I told him to stay away from. "Ok everyone we are going to play a game does anyone have any suggestions," Bella said as she turned down the music. There was a lot of dumb suggestions. "Seven minutes in heaven," one of the twins friends Nate shouted out as he stared at me. "Ok so first up let's have Jane spin the bottle," Bella said as I went up there. "Bella what are you doing," I whispered. "Come on Ethan cheated on you now it's your turn plus you'll just be doing your job just spin the bottle," she said as she smiled. I spun the bottle, my stomach started to drop. Then it stoped. "Grayson," Bella said as she smiled at me. Grayson took my hand and we went  in the nearest bedroom. "We don't have to do this," Grayson said. I took his hands from out of his pockets and put them on my waist, i then leaned in a kissed him. He moved his hands around my body. I took his shirt off and moved my hands around his chest. I then slid my hands down his pants. Grayson looked at me to assure that I really wanted to do this,I nodded my head. He then took my hands out of his pants and took my dress off and my matching lace set, he smiled at the sight of my body. He then slid down my underwear and set them off to the side, he put his head in between my thighs. Grayson's warm breath hit my heat and made me shiver. He then stuck his tongue inside of me which made me jump he started going faster and faster as I let out a moan. He then started moving his young in figure 8 motions over and around my clit which made me cum all over Grayson's tongue. He licked his lips in pleasure while he slid down his pants leaving him in his boxers and his massive length. I chuckle as he took off  my light pink lace bra. He smiled at the sight of my body. I then stand up and pull his boxers down as I watch his length hit his lower abdomen. He looks down and smirks as I suck on his dick. He groaned as I went as far down as I could pumping what I couldn't fit. "Ah shit baby I'm close," he groans as he tilts his head back. I stand up and push him so he is sitting on the bed. I sit on his lap getting on his length. I moan as I adjust to his size than I start bouncing up and down in a soothing pace. Or moans and grunts fill up the room "fuck gray," I moan as I pick up the pace. Grayson's eyes follow the movement of my breasts as he grabs them. "Fuck Jane I'm close," he said as i went even faster. I moaned loudly as Grayson released in me as I did shorty after him. "Damn that felt good," Grayson said as we were both getting dressed.

Me and Grayson walk outside as everyone is staring at us. I look at Grayson and we both smile as we walked outside to his car and drive home.

Oh my god this is so shity and I'm sorry I haven't been updating that much but there is only going to be like 3 or 4 more chapters left of this book... but I am making another story called forgotten g•d and I already published the cast and I'm going to make a smut book so yeah. And thank you guys so much for 1.42k reads!!!!
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