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Hi guys I know I said I wasn't going to finish the story but I really like writing for you guys and it seems like you guys really like the story so I'm going to keep on writing it but there are only going to be a couple more chapters left but yeah and there's not many more smuts going to be left so 1 I'm not going to say smut and 2 there's probably not going to be anymore//

Ethan and I got home from the coffee shop and we decided to watch a movie, we watched fist fight, while the movie was on I decided to change into some shorts and a sweatshirt

I went to go downstairs to go get some snacks, Grayson was downstairs playing video games "hey lazy ass," I said as I didn't know he was recording himself "I'm not lazy,"he said as he smacked my ass

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I went to go downstairs to go get some snacks, Grayson was downstairs playing video games "hey lazy ass," I said as I didn't know he was recording himself "I'm not lazy,"he said as he smacked my ass. I laughed as I walked into the kitchen "can you get me some crackers there in the bottom drawer," Grayson asked as he turned around "yup," I said as I bended down, I scrambled around the drawer and my shorts started to ride up my butt, I heard Grayson rub his hands together "you ass," I said as I slapped him and got on his lap. I kissed him on his lips and put my hand on his bulge tp tease him he looked at the tv "I'm still recording," he whisperd in my ear " I don't care," I said as i lightly smacked his face. He laughed and pushed me out the way "bye," he said as i got annoyed yet i laughed because the way he said it was funny "we should go out later," I said as I picked a crumb off his adidas sweatshirt "ok what time," he asked as he paused his game "three," I said as I got up "bye eth," I yelled up the stairs as I ran out the house. I got in my car and went to jacks house because we haven't talked in a long time "knock knock," I say as I walk in, he was making out with..... Naomi "what do you want bitch," she said as jack looked at me and mouthed that he's sorry "I um forgot something," I said as I ran up the stairs in the room that jack had made for me and locked the door. "Jane," he said as he knocked on the door several times I climbed out the window and got in my car, i dont know why I feel weird that jack has feelings for a girl and it feels off. Ethan was calling
*bitch what the hell*
*what did I do*
My heart started racing 100 times faster
*you left without telling me*
*oh my god Ethan* I say as I
hang up I got to Ethan's house again and nobody was there, or so I thought. I walked in Ethan's room and my ex was in there "what are you doing in here," I ask in a snarky voice "waiting for Ethan, what are YOU doing here," he asked me as o sat down on Ethan's bed "waiting for Ethan,"I say as I rolled my eyes "why," he asked. I ignored him and started texting Ethan.
J- where are you
E- I'm in a meeting
J- oh
E- yeah
J- when will you be home
E- i dont know but I need to see your body
J- Okay

E- babygirllll🤤J-your turn E- I'm in a meeting J- go to the bathroom E- fineJ- wait but  why is Matthew here??E- you'll see J- ughhh E- I can't get out the room its importantJ-ok E- I can't make it but I'll give you a surprise when I get home  J-...

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E- babygirllll🤤
J-your turn
E- I'm in a meeting
J- go to the bathroom
E- fine
J- wait but why is Matthew here??
E- you'll see
J- ughhh
E- I can't get out the room its important
E- I can't make it but I'll give you a surprise when I get home
J- daddy
E- yes?
J- please tell me why Matthew is here
E- baby I have to go
J- ughhh
E- bye😘
J- bye❤️
"So do you have a girl," I said breaking the silence "no do you have a boyfriend," he asked checking me out "yeah," I said "who," he questioned demandingly "why do you want to know," I asked while rolling my eyes. He looked at me and licked his lips. I flipped him off and turned on a movie to watch until Ethan got home.

Jacks p.o.v/
Since Jane figured out me and Naomi are dating she stoped talking to me I decided to call her and thankfully she answered
*what* she said in a snarky voice
*why are you mad at me*
*shes a bitch and she'll hurt you*
*give her a chance*
*I'm warning you jack and don't come up to me when she cheats on you or worst*

Janes p.o.v/
I hung up on jack because I was really mad that he doesn't  believe me and that he wouldn't take my warning. I decided to go to his house to see if Naomi was there, she was. I barged in the house to see her making out with someone that wasn't jack "what do you want bitch," she said as she pushed the person off of her a stood up. "This," I said as I punched her in the face leaving her with a bloody nose "what the fuck was that for," she said as she Wiped the blood of off her face "for being a plain ass fucking bitch," I said as I walked out and started my car. It felt good doing that do Naomi, and I don't mind doing it again.

Hi guys I know it's been forever since I last updated but my phone is fucked up so I won't be updating that much. And I'm writing a new story called forgotten{G.D} so please read that when more comes out I've only posted the cast but ya thanks for reading luv ya xx

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