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*I'm sorry I should have told you it's just we had so much fun times and it slipped off my mind* Ethan said as a tear ran down his face
*Ethan* I say as I don't know she's felling I have
*im sorry* Ethan says
*are you still coming over* he says
*i dont know Ethan* I say
*im sorry* he says again
*i have to go* I say as I hang up

I text jack and Bella on our group chat
Me: guys
Bella: what
Jack: what did you do this time
Me: you know that job I got with the twins
Bella : yeah those hot ones
Jack: ew Bella
Bella: what they are
Bella: sorry
Jack: sorry
Me: ok anyway it's not for an assistant
Jack: then what is it for
Me: a sex slave....
Bella: WHAT
me: I didn't know
Jack: I'm sorry?
Bella: come over now
Jack: me too?
Bella: yes
Me: be there in 10
Jack: k
Bella: k c ya

I turn around to head over to Bella's house. Ethan called me 5 times on the way there, I didn't answer one. I pulled into Bella's driveway and she ran out instantly. "Jane," she says as she hugged me "Bella I want to do it," I said  as I started crying
"What," she said in shock "I want them," I said as I smile "I have to go," I said as I got in my car and drove off. I got a text from Ethan
Ethan: even if you don't answer i luv u you
Ethan: I get hard when I think of you
Ethan: your so beautiful and your so tight and your just for me
Me: I know
Me: in coming over
Ethan: ok😏
Me: I want it
Ethan: I know you do
Me: c ya
Me: btw ewe where did u get that pic
Ethan: I was thinking of you so
Me: ew bye

I drove faster so I could get to his house faster. I finally got there. Ethan opened the door, I ran towards him and hugged him, his lips instantly crashed on mine as his measure rose. He dragged me in the house and shut the door. "Jump," he demanded me, so I did. He grabbed my cleavage and rubbed them in circular motions. I took my shirt off and un-clipped my bra. I felt his measure rise even more. He carried me to the couch and sat me down. He unzipped his pants and let them drop leaving him in his boxers. I pushed him on the couch and got on top of him "babygirl," he said as I put my finger to his mouth. I pulled down his boxers and his measure popped out and hit his stomach "damn daddy," I said as I started to pump it slowly. I leaned my head down and kitty licked his meat to tease him "babygirl dont tease me suck it," he said as he smacked my ass. I put my mouth over his tip and went slow "faster," he said as he tilted his head back with pleasure as I went faster. "Fuck, Jane," he said as a little cum came out "daddy give it to me," I said as I opened my mouth as warm liquid came in. He turned me over so I was on my knees quickly he pounded into me "fuck," I moaned loudly forgetting Grayson was home. Ethan went faster and harder "ah y-yes fuck me daddy," I screamed "cum for me," he said as I released myself. "Babygirl," Ethan said as he squeezed my tits "daddy," I said as Grayson ran down the stairs "I want in," he said as he came over and pulled his pants down, I could tell he was turned on cause his meat was bulging out. He stuck a finger inside of me and found my weak spot " fuck yeah," I moaned. He then leaned down and started licking my heat in figure 8 motions. I couldn't help myself but to cum. "Ethan that's how you do it," Grayson laughed at Ethan and lead me upstairs in his room. "You liked that," he asked me "hell yess," I said as my legs started the shake "suck it,"he said as he started to the beat his meat. I started to suck his length as he grabbed my hair and pushed my head down "yess," Grayson said as he cummed. I fell asleep on Grayson.

A/n: I know that had a weird turn but it happens so deal with it bitches byeeeee

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