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Jack won his basketball game and we decided to go to the beach with Bella and her boyfriend adym. I put on the first swimsuit I could find because I was running out of time ( picture on top) jack walked out of the guest room and looked at me "damn girl if I wasn't your best friend I would fuck you so hard," he said as We walked out the house. We pulled up to Kate's house and I honked my horn. She walked out the house in her cute stylish swimsuit, she has the best sense of style

I started swimming but I heard someone call my name but it wasn't jack adym or Kate so I turned around to see who it was. It was Ethan he came running my way " damn girl," he said as he licked his lips. He walked closer to me and his soft gentle lips crashed on mine. I didn't know what to do but I liked it he picked me up and took me into a beach house and threw me on the bed. He slid his hand under my bikini bottoms and started fingering me he then slid them down and rubbed his hands together, he bent down and started licking my heat and I got weaker and weaker. I sat up breathing heavy and took my top off he then started grabbing my cleavage I started getting weaker and started breathing heavier he took his swim trunks off and his massive full length popped out. He picked me up and put himself in me, he started off slow but he got faster and faster. I let out a loud moan and he covered my mouth because someone else was in there. He got to the pint where I couldn't handle it anymore I had to let it out. He smiled at me and laid down. " was that fun babygirl," he said as he smacked my ass "yes daddy," I said as I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him in his forehead.

 I just lost my virginity to my boss what the fuck did I just get into

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I just lost my virginity to my boss what the fuck did I just get into. What will I tell jack and my brother and Kate. I'm screwed.

A/n: hey guys sorry I haven't been updating this lately Ive been really busy with school and my bf is mad at my ex cause my ex cheated on me so they're wanting to fight but I don't want them to do there's just been a bunch of drama lately that has been hard to deal with but I love you guys and will try to keep you guys updated on my shitty life byee


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